When trying to find a supplement to help with challenging ADHD symptoms, the sheer number of options out there can be so overwhelming.
In today's episode, Dana Kay takes some of that overwhelm away by sharing her top four supplements for kids with ADHD. These are supplements that have not only worked for Dana’s son with ADHD, but have also worked for many of the families she works with.
Tune in to this episode to learn 3 pitfalls to supplementing for ADHD, as well as the top 4 supplements for ADHD.
As a special bonus, for the next two weeks, from June 8-22, 2023, you can grab Dana’s top 4 supplements for 20% off!
Click the links below to grab Omega Thrive, Shine Thrive, ProThrive, and/or MindThrive for 20% off using the code 20OFFTOP4 at checkout!
Key Takeaways:
[2:36] Pitfall 1 - Blind Supplementation
[5:18] Pitfall 2 - The Miracle Pill
[7:01] Pitfall 3 - One Size Fits All
[8:49] Top Supplement 1 - Omega 3 Fish Oil
[10:24] Top Supplement 2 - Probiotic
[18:25] Top Supplement 3 - Magnesium
[21:53] Top Supplement 4 - Vitamin D
Memorable Moments:
”Blind supplementation doesn’t work for most families.”
”Supplements can be very effective and healing, but supplements can never be the be-all-and-end-all for ADHD symptoms.”
”You can’t supplement your way out of a poor diet or a body riddled with inflammation.”
”One supplement that works well for one child might not have much of an effect on another child, or it might even have a negative effect.”
”For supplementation to be most effective, it needs to be tailored to each individual child.”
”We’ve got a deficiency of Omega 3 and we’ve got an overload of Omega 6, and with that comes inflammation, and that can cause ADHD symptoms in children.”
”Research shows that taking probiotics can help reduce inflammation, help detoxification, reduce anxiety, improve mood, and also protect the body against the damaging mental and physical effects of stress.”
”Not all probiotics are considered equal. I like using probiotics that reseed the gut rather than putting in strains that go away as soon as the supplement is stopped.”
”I had no idea that there was a supplement that could be as effective as a prescription medication!! This is HUGE!”
”Research shows that children with ADHD and anxiety often have low magnesium levels, and using supplements can have that great calming effect.”
”My absolute favorite for children with ADHD is Magnesium L-Threonate because it can cross the blood-brain barrier and deliver magnesium directly to the brain, which, as you can imagine, is really helpful for kids with ADHD.”
”One of the best natural ways to get more Vitamin D is to get outside in the sunlight! But as this is not always possible, a Vitamin D supplement can be very beneficial as well.”
”Unfortunately, not all supplement brands are created equal.”
Dana Kay Resources:
Website: https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ADHDThriveInstitute/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adhdthriveinstitute/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ADHDThriveInstitute
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/adhd-thrive-institute/mycompany/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ph/adhdthriveinstitute/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@adhd_thriveinstitute
International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD – https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/book/
Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass – https://bit.ly/3GAbFQl
ADHD Parenting Course – https://info.adhdthriveinstitute.com/parentingadhd ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program – https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/packages/