Dr. Anamaria Dutceac Segesten joins for the 5th Annual Social Media and Politics Year in Review!
We answer listener questions and present six gifts, each representing big events that shaped social media and politics this year.
25:18 - Platform Year in Review Reports
53:08 - Platforms and Activism (Belarus and Thailand)
1:16:26 - Political Ad Effectiveness
1:38:00 - Platform Regulation (Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act)
2:02:31 - Tweets from the Dead
2:17:00 - Platform Fragmentation
Here's a list of each platform's year in review reports:
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Reddit, Reddit UK, Reddit Moderators, Pornhub Debate Night
Other supplementary material:
Priorities USA's "Wreck" Ad
Digital Services Act
Margarethe Vestager on the Digital Services Act
Study Modelling Dead Social Media Accounts
Tufts Research on Youth and Political Engagement
Pew Research on Social Media and Persuasion