Lowering your expectations on open source is a favorite topic of ours, so we return to it. Spoiler: people gotta make money somehow. Also, we explore inebriation in Amsterdam and other locales, Mary Meeker’s slide fest, public cloud outages vs. desktop computers, and better consumer identity management.
Talking points:
Relevant to your interests
- Salesforce to buy Tableau Software in $15.7 billion deal.
- This week’s dead Google product is Google Trips, may it rest in peace.
- Cryptocurrency startup hacks itself before hacker gets a chance to steal users funds.
- Mozilla to Launch Firefox Premium.
- ceejbot/economics-of-package-management.
- “Money let’s talk about.”
- What’s driving open source software in 2019
- GitHub hires former Bitnami co-founder Erica Brescia as COO
- “Brescia handled COO duties at Bitnami from its founding in 2011 until it was sold to VMware last month.”
- Google Takes Its First Steps Toward Killing the URL - huh?
- Project Svalbard: The Future of Have.
- Forget power outages -- what happens when Google goes out?
- Pedant tone: compared to what? Zip drives? My own laptop that’s not backed up? A corporate email server that goes down? Not backing up my photos? Was any data lost?
- CrowdStrike prices IPO at $34, above range.
- No Easy Way Forward For Commercial Open Source Software Vendors.
- Software company MapR, once worth more than $1 billion, to lay off 122
- I’ll be passing on Google’s new 2fa for logins on iPhones and iPads. Here’s why
- Food Fight Farewell.
- Mary Meeker’s most important trends on the internet
- Coté: Been reading up on “disruptions” in various industries. (I want to write a very practical, “here, put these features in your software/do these projects/etc.” kind of write-up for various industries.)
- Most of the the innovations and responses - “digital transformation” are just getting better apps.
- Like, power companies that charge annually, my life insurance company with PDFs.
- E.g., Lemonade doing a claim for a Canadian Goose jacket for $979 in 3 seconds, Zürich Insurance using AR with risk engineers…Pivotal stories aplenty.
- The framing is basically “use these opportunities to reframe their relationship with the customer, leveraging the principles of customer experience and, in turn, will change their key processes and operations to deliver the CX-centric utility.”
- That is, better customer service, faster sales transactions (buying, whatever) with the customers, and easier research/comprehension (test out how long it takes you to find the details of benefits for your credit card - look up the price you pay for water - see what your total return on your retirement investing is, etc.).
- My theory: this stuff isn’t hard, it just costs money and time. And just like developers don’t want to pay for anything, executives don’t want to pay for anything.
- Turns out, though, when you pay for something you get, you know, something.
- LegacyConf day 3 keynote: 10 Government Legacy Systems Cost Taxpayers $337 Million Every Year.
- “How to Use Your Meat Buyer’s Guide” - SCHOOL IS IN SESSION.
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