We had such a life-affirming interview with one of our all-time heroes, Kara Goucher! Kara became famous as one of the best runners in the world, winning 3 national championships in college, a silver medal in the 10k at the World Championships, and making 2 Olympic teams. But the running accolades are just the start of her journey. Kara embraces the whole community, persevering through her own adversity to uplift and inspire others. She co-hosts the "Nobody Asked Us" podcast with Des Linden, which debuted as the most successful running podcast on the planet. She does live announcing for distance running on ESPN and NBC. And in March, her book "The Longest Race" is coming out, and it's already getting rave reviews!
On the episode, she describes her journey from being a kid in Minnesota to an international superstar. Our admiration for her is not about the running achievements. It's about all of the moments during that journey when she faced adversity, felt the emotions, and came back swinging! Kara proved doubters wrong (including the doubter in her own head). She courageously spoke her truth and confronted abusive practices at the Nike Oregon Project. And now, she's telling her story to model vulnerability and strength for everyone else that might have doubts in their own lives.
We absolutely love Kara, and we can't wait for you to hear this interview!
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Pre-order Kara's new book: https://www.amazon.com/Longest-Race-Inside-Deception-Running/dp/1982179147
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