This episode got down and dirty with the most fun topics! The main training topic was on a new narrative review study describing the evolution of training theory, and why different approaches have converged on the benefits of lower-intensity training with relatively high doses of moderate threshold running, plus VO2-style speed in small doses. Figure 3 from that study is our love language, and we can't wait to tell you about it! We next discuss the implications of that approach for athletes who run uphills in training, which could change intensity distributions and present a MASSIVE opportunity for fitness improvements. Hills pay the bills. That's a STONE COLD SCIENCE FACT, and we explain how to use the principles in less structured training.
And we were just getting started! Other topics, in loose chronological order: follow-ups on relationships and jealousy, reviewing our microbiome testing experience, a wrist-based heart rate discussion, the hydration/fueling option that is BLOWING OUR MINDS, Megan's trip to a sports performance conference, studies on supershoes, a cool analysis of how perception of "talent" changes outcomes independent of actual genetics, and a new study on artificial sweetners. That last topic is Megan's opportunity to roast the heck out of David and his love of gum.
Plus lots more! The vibes are strong in this one. We love you all!
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