This episode was one of our favorites ever! The main discussion was on stories from the US Track Championships, and lessons that can apply to all athletes. Even if you don't follow track, we think you'll come away from this discussion ready to shoot the scariest shots. Believe! We also talked about some of the science of the Tour de France, where training and fueling theories are put to the test at the limits of human performance. We can learn a lot at the edge. And at this edge, one thing we learn: eat all the carbs. Carbs make champions, it's science!
And we had tons of other fun discussions! Topics: iron levels, altitude acclimation, a debate about junk miles, running uphill, focused speed development, a wild new study on evolution (and how that might apply to athletics), a study on fatigue resistance in women, body image, and hot takes. All of our bodies, like all of our takes, are very, VERY HOTTT.
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