Join us for a captivating episode featuring Jill Nicholl, the talented author behind the acclaimed N. Ford series, The Refuge as she embarks on a transformative journey into the world of songwriting. Under the mentorship of the legendary Gary Chapman—a seven-time Dove Award-winning artist and five-time Grammy nominee—Jill explores the intersection of storytelling and music.
In this intimate conversation, Jill and Gary gather around the dining room table to share heartfelt stories, the creative process behind their work, and the spiritual insights that fuel their artistry. Discover how Jill is weaving her narrative skills into songwriting, and gain inspiration from Gary’s wisdom and experiences in the music industry.
Whether you're a fan of literature, music, or simply love a good story, this episode promises to be a rich tapestry of inspiration, creativity, and connection. Tune in for an enlightening discussion that bridges the gap between written words and melodic expression!