In this latest installment of the Sonic Groove Podcast, Adam X chats with the legendary Mike Dearborn, a true icon of Chicago techno. Mike opens up about his journey through the vibrant Chicago house music scene, reminiscing about his early days, his special bond with Ron Hardy, and how he crafted his unique jacking techno sound.
As a devoted fan of Mike's work, Adam poses the questions that enthusiasts are eager to have answered. They explore Mike's debut releases on esteemed labels like Muzique and Djax-Up Beats, delve into the vibrant 90s American rave scene, and draw parallels between the underground rave culture of the past and today's techno landscape.
This episode is packed with rich stories and valuable lessons from one of the genre's true trailblazers. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of techno’s past, present, and future through the eyes of an innovator. You won’t want to miss this engaging chat with Mike Dearborn on the Sonic Groove Podcast. Give it a listen and enjoy the journey!