Soul Led Living Podcast with Nikki Novo
I’ve manifested all sorts of things in my life: my husband, a successful spiritual business, 30 acres of land, and so much more.
But to be honest; I’m still getting used to the word manifesting, or calling myself a manifester.
I guess because I see myself more as a creator, and manifesting sounds like I just thought my way into having what I have. Like I magically brought things into my life through my thoughts.
Which isn’t really true.
Instead, I feel like I have created, which to me is a mix of imagining, believing and doing or obeying.
In today’s Soul-Led Living podcast episode I’m going to talk about my manifesting process — aka my creation process.
I share with you my secret sauce and the rituals I incorporate into my day in order to support what I’m creating.
You can listen to the full episode today.
As always, I hope this supports you in creating the life you are truly meant to live.