Soul Led Living Podcast with Nikki Novo
Early on in my business, I couldn’t understand why more people weren’t signing up for my offers.
I felt good about them and I knew people needed them. So why the crickets?
Of course, I did what any spiritual girlie would do, I pulled angel cards to see what divine guidance I could get.
I kept receiving this one card which was all about “clearing up communication and any misunderstandings.”
The cards were right. I wasn’t communicating my offers correctly, enough, or to the right people.
This is when I decided to start thinking about how I was communicating.
I think most of us just depend on whatever natural communication style we have. It’s not fun to work on changing how we communicate, because it often feels like how we communicate is who we are. And if we’re being asked to be better at it, then we’re being asked to change ourselves.
With time, I learned that becoming a better communicator just means becoming more of who I am.
Yes, there are a ton of sleazy ways of communicating, but in today’s episode we’re going to talk about ways that feel right for you.
In today’s podcast episode we discuss:
I think this is a convo all of us could use!