Soul Led Living Podcast with Nikki Novo
Today we have a special guest on the podcast who I know you’ll love.
Joining me today is Niki Irving, the owner of Flourish Flower Farm, a boutique flower farm and florist company based in Asheville, NC.
Two years ago I decided I was going to start a flower garden, and since I had no idea what I was doing, I started to look for books that could guide me. That’s when I stumbled upon Niki’s book Growing Flowers: Everything You Need to Know About Planting, Tending, Harvesting and Arranging Beautiful Blooms.
It was truly such a helpful book, but what I didn’t expect was to fall in love with Niki and her work. I was so excited to find that she lived just a few minutes from me! And when she opened up her on-farm workshops I knew I had to sign up.
I brought Niki on the show because she has managed to take her passion and make it a truly successful business. She is surrounded by beauty and connected to nature in a way, I think many of us wish to be.
I did have a little Mercury Retrograde situation when I was recording with her, BUT I was able to save half the recording.
So I start this episode with a few messages that I received from the conversation and then we go into the interview with Niki.
I hope you enjoy!