Soul Soil: Where Agriculture and Spirit Intersect with Brooke Kornegay
Can we regard food production with a systematic, science-based approach and still believe in and support the invisible, life-giving forces that govern Nature? Today we speak with Jane Weaver, who has been an enthusiastic student of mathematics, music, and the connections between these two sciences for nearly all of her life. Following her college and graduate studies in the areas of music, mathematics and general systems theory, and several years of public sector teaching, she served as a faculty member of the music department at Princeton University. Jane's current projects include applications of projective geometry, interpreting and furthering the work of the French radiesthesists, exploring non-quantum geometric theories of nuclear structure, and consulting in application of sacred geometry in architectural design. She is a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner, Biodynamic gardener, and biological soil consultant, having studied under soil microbiologist Dr. Elaine Ingham, and has plans to be an alchemist and jazz saxophonist in her next life.
In the context of modern agriculture, we need to stop micromanaging Nature and instead learn what works by following Nature's lead--get out of the way, facilitate the natural regenerative functions of soil, and let the life forces get to work.
In this episode...Jane's work in the field of soil microbiology
True definition of compost
The role of microbes in agriculture
The story of ecological succession
How plants speak to microbes
The fallacy of lime and pH
Soil microbiology and biodynamics: measuring the work of the invisible with microbes
"Biodynamics is information that provides us with a way to increase and retain growth forces for the land"
Geometry and vibration/frequency: can we harness geometry to increase the life forces in the land? Case studies: Irish Round Towers, Perelandra (Machaelle Small Wright)
Comparing biodynamics to homeopathy
Expectation, attitude, and miracles
Communication with people of opposing values
Behaving As If the God in All Life Mattered and Perelandra Garden Workbook: A Complete Guide to Gardening with Nature Intelligences by Machaelle Small Wright;
Enzo Nastadi "Trinium Agriculture"
Culture and Horticulture: The Classic Guide to Biodynamic and Organic Gardening by Wolf Storl