Soul Soil: Where Agriculture and Spirit Intersect with Brooke Kornegay
The Coronavirus pandemic is catalyzing many things…and forcing us to take a good look at the systems we depend on. During this period of isolation, we have the opportunity to disconnect from large systems that do harm, and redesign our lives with the help of systems aligned with life and love. Do our communities have enough resources to support everyone to live their lives with dignity and allow for the spirit that lives within them to emerge and benefit the rest of the community? This situation can be viewed through a lens of fear, or it can be an opportunity to tune into our higher spirit and connect with the vibration of our creation song,
Sherri Mitchell, Weh’na Ha’mu Kwasset (meaning “she who brings the light”), is an Indigenous rights activist, spiritual teacher, and transformational change maker. Sherri was born and raised on the Penobscot Indian reservation (Penawahpskek). She speaks and teaches around the world on issues of Indigenous rights, environmental justice, and spiritual change. Sherri has been actively involved with Indigenous rights and environmental justice work for more than 25 years, and she is the Founding Director of the Land Peace Foundation, an organization dedicated to the global protection of Indigenous land and water rights and the preservation of the Indigenous way of life.
The key to being able to adapt, overcome and integrate the lessons of the day is to be able to approach everything we’re facing from a perspective of love. We have the chance to make an evolutionary leap of consciousness and come through this to the other side as better representations of our humanity.
In this episode…
The Dandelion Insurrection: - love and revolution by Rivera Sun
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
My Beloved Kin by Lisa Brooks
Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change by Sherri Mitchell
Sherri’s website:
IG: @sacredinstructions
Twitter: @sacred411