Soul Soil: Where Agriculture and Spirit Intersect with Brooke Kornegay
Woodland Harvest Mountain Farm is a woman-owned, 16-acre, off-grid educational regenerative agriculture farmstead nestled in the mountains of Appalachia. Since 2004, they have welcomed more than 2500 volunteers, held workshop gatherings, provided respite to activists, held healing space for their beloveds, and organized countless parties for work, teaching, learning and leisure. They have opened their land to hundreds of "strangers" (who they now know and love and honor as their community farm family) who each have helped create this dreamstead space to share. Each season they move closer toward self-reliance and resilience. Elizabeth West and Lisa Redman are activists, homesteaders, permaculturalists, educators and Earth lovers who weave their experience with the opportunities of the present to create an abundant, inclusive alternative to the status quo.
Woodland Harvest isn’t just a place, it’s a state of mind…a place to drop out and tune in!
In this episode…
The Empowerment Manual and The Earth Path by Starhawk
Shelter, Home Work: Handbuilt Shelter, and The Half-Acre Homestead: 46 Years of Building and Gardening by Lloyd Kahn
Barbara Kingsolver
Toni Morrison
Alice Walker
Octavia Butler
Howard Zinn
Noam Chomsky