Just a quick update on what's going on with the Sounds On Vinyl show. Lots of cool stuff in store for season 4, in fact, we've already recorded a couple of interviews that you're gonna absolutely love.
Thanks for your support. It means a lot to us.
See you on August 5th! Have a great summer.
Sounds on Vinyl B-Sides is hosted by Mike Svensson and Phil Bowyer
Produced byhttp://weareboozehound.com/ ( BoozeHound Entertainment)
Intro and Outro music by http://grandrezerva.com/ (Grand Rezerva), courtesy https://boozehoundmusic.com/ (BoozeHound Music)
Intro and Outro voiceover by Kate Bowyer
Connect With Us
https://soundsonvinyl.com/ (The Official SOV Website)
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https://www.facebook.com/soundsonvinyl (Facebook )
The Sounds On Vinyl Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/10hzpczoFXJOuuN6Eh9nKB?si=FsZ56mfuSne1LPvJ6WA5rg (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/10hzpczoFXJOuuN6Eh9nKB?si=FsZ56mfuSne1LPvJ6WA5rg)