Welcome to this Special Edition of Spa Skin and Beauty Podcast formerly known as The Lindsey Holder Podcast with Small Business expert and coach Jolene Casey. Please note this show was taped on March 24th and there are new changes occurring every day so please keep that in mind and check your local resources for the most updated material. Jolene Casey has been Lindsey's business coach for over a year and a half and has been a business owner for over 35 years herself. She also has been a business coach for 10 years, 8 years of that as a John Maxwell coach and trainer and she applies the method of leadership through communication coaching. She has helped countless business owners implement a successful Plan of action with:
Saying "NO" Plan and Closing the "PERFECTION" Gap Jolene is passionate about helping people see what is possible. She will help you clearly identify where you are now; in your life, relationships, work, and goals. Jolene will provide you with the tools you need to deal with your specific situation, tailored to you as an individual. Then, together, she will move you to where you dare to be; to ultimate success and the achievement of your goals and dreams. Show Highlights:
- Jolene explains what the most actions steps a small business owner should be taking RIGHT NOW.
- Ask yourself during this time-what do you want to look different when this is over? What is working and can I make it better? What do you need to change? What did you WISH you had in place?
- Find out where is your business financially? What are your hard costs and balance sheet items you must pay from NOW until the end of the month and moving forward into April? Do you have cash flow and how long will it last with your projections?
- Where can you save?
- STAY current with offerings from your local and state governments. It is changing daily if not by the hour. This is where having a great working relationship with your accountant, bookkeeper and HR will ease your stresses. How can they help keep you informed?
- Be in communication with your team and together plan for the recovery. Create meetings to see each other face to face via ZOOM, use slack, Facebook groups and e-mails. What are you doing as the owner or leader to ease their fears?
- Stay engaged with your guest or consumer with social media.
Their screen time will be up you might as well be in front of them! How can we use the opportunity to educate them?
- Where can you save? Prepare and go in with a STRONG ASK even if you do not need it, however, if you do then PREPARE to negotiate.
If you do not need assistance how much do you want to loan your business and at what rate and the terms? Think forward and into the future not where you are just now. Negotiate with:
- Landlord -Rent
- Credit card companies
- Vendors and Suppliers
- Business Loans
- Business mortgages
- Marketing/Scheduling POS programs
- Cleaning crews
- Personal Payments
- Car payments
- Mortgages
- Learn how to handle memberships
- Get insight on gift cards and how to properly manage them
- Find out how much you should have in savings
- Should you get a line of credit?
- Should you apply for the SBA loans being offered?
- Should you go on unemployment as the business owner?
- Find out the difference between unemployment and Furlough
Jolene can be found at:
www.crescitacoaching.com as well as on Facebook. Crescita means growth in Italian. Contact Jolene via:
[email protected] or 206-276-57497 Jolene will be offering our audience: One complimentary discovery call to identify your top priority and create a plan of action to start you moving forward. Resources: Your local Chamber of Commerce Local small Business Administration World Health Organization:
https://www.who.int/ Disaster Loans SBA :
https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ Links and Resources:
Become a lapree beauty member, our esthetician led skincare community: lapree beauty
Product discount codes: lapree beauty
Skincare Products: skincare spa shop
Our favorite minerals from Water and Wellness! We drink these first thing in the morning!
Social Media Instagram: @lindseyrholder @spaskinandbeauty
With over a decade of experience being both a licensed esthetician and owning her own spa with her skin obsessed sis and researcher Ashley working right beside her! Let’s listen to these sisters' thoughts, facts, opinions, and advice on skincare and ways to optimize your health!
Disclaimer: This article, video, post is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided in this article, video, and or post is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this article, video, post should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this article are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.