Ashley asks all the plumping your skin and removing facial hair skincare questions, and Lindsey goes over this quick routine for exfoliation and plumping your skin to help with fine lines and wrinkles. Lindsey goes over the entire skincare process, including a double cleanse.
You can join me in my lapree beauty at home skincare doing beauty tools and skincare routines with a new video every single week!
Links to Plumping Patches
Super Lift for Brow, Eye, Smile
New! Limited Edition for the Holidays: Sparkle Eye and Smile lift and Sparkle Brow lift
Other Helpful Skincare Items You may need:
*Micellar Wash: LINK
*Gel Cleanser: LINK
*Facial Oils: LINK
*Shaver: LINK
*Cold Roller: LINK
*Essence and Toner: LINK
*4 X 4's: LINK
*Serum: LINK
*Eyelash Serum: LINK
*Healthy Swaps Special Green Juice Ashley drinks - Organic Super Greens with a 15% discount including the flavors: unflavored, strawberry lemonade, and tropical. They also have a delicious Superfood Golden Milk - just add water- OMG it’s so good!
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We believe in sharing products that have worked for us and products we use and love.