I'm really excited about this podcast. So it's a beauty podcast as a small business podcast. But a lot of times, I don't share my faith as much as I should. And I'm really excited to be with my best friend as my guest today, Rosalynn Addis.
Rosalynn came on at this weekend and it was so unexpected; it was very last minute. God knew the timing that Rosalyn needed to come down. She was one of my best and dearest closest friends. We've had a true friendship since 2000 in LA and it is an interesting story. Join us in this podcast and learn how God changed our lives.
Enjoy the show!
Check out these Highlights:
Links mentioned in this episode:
Skincare Products: skincare spa shop
Our favorite minerals from Water and Wellness! We drink these first thing in the morning!
Social Media Instagram: @lindseyrholder @spaskinandbeauty
With over 13 years of experience being both a licensed esthetician and owning her own spa with her skin obsessed sis and researcher Ashley working right beside her! Let’s listen to these sisters' thoughts, facts, opinions, and advice on skincare and ways to optimize your health!
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