Astronomy, Science, Space, and Stuff.
Space Nuts – The Best of 2022 E03 - with Professor Fred Watson & Andrew Dunkley Andrew: Hello. Andrew Dunkley here from Space Nuts. Hope you can join us on Best of 2022 episode where I'll be joined by none other than the good Professor Fred Watson, astronomer at large. Fred. What's on this edition.
Fred: One of the biggest stories of 2022, which is the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope. We're going to cover that in a little bit of detail. We're going to talk about a new telescope that's just starting to be built at Siding Spring Observatory here in New South Wales, that’ll be looking for the aftermath of gravitational wave events. And we’ll squeeze in a story about the idea that aliens might use quantum communication.
Andrew: And we just finished answering all the questions about gravitational waves and we had to do a gravitational wave story. So, we'll start rolling again, of course. And speaking of audience questions, we'll be hearing from Ben in Dover, who has a gravitational wave question, and Alex from New South Wales about the apparent size of galaxies. That's a really interesting question. That's all coming up on episode 313 of Space Nuts, the podcast you can download from your favorite podcast distributor. Talk to you then. Bye. Sponsor Links: This episode of Space Nuts is brought to you by NordVPN…the highly rated VPN service and the one we personally use. Fast and secure. It’s the one you need in your life. As part of the Space Nuts family, we have a special holiday season deal for you…just visit for details.
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