For access to the special double episode commercial-free version of SpaceTime plus bonus content, simply help support the show. Show your love via Patreon....and share in the rewards. Details at Stream podcast episodes on demand from (mobile friendly). SpaceTime with Stuart Gary S22E72 *Indian Moon hopes fadeHopes are fading for Indian space officials to re-establish contact with their lost Vikram lunar lander. *The Moon cameraThe story of the camera Apollo astronauts took to the Moon.YouTube link: *Roscosmos keeping quiet about leakA Russian Board of Enquiry says it’s found the cause of a leak which began venting atmosphere into space from the International Space Station a year ago. *Another near miss in orbitThere’s been another near-miss in orbit as two disused spacecraft came close to colliding 515 kilometres above the ground in the past week. *United States Space Command becomes operationalThe United States Space Command has officially commenced operations. *South Australia to build a rocket launchpadThe South Australian state government has given its support to proposals to establish a new orbital rocket launch complex at the bottom of Eyre Peninsula. *Beijing launches its new Smart Dragon One rocketChina has launched three new satellites using its new Jielong or Smart Dragon One solid fuelled rocket. *US Navy confirms UFO footage is realThe US Navy has confirmed that it can’t explain footage from F/A-18 fighters showing unidentified aerial phenomena – NAVY speak for UFOs. *Area 51 raidUFO fans from around the world have beamed into to the sleepy town of Rachel Nevada for what was planned to be a raid on the nearby Nevada Test and Training Range – better known around the world as Area 51. *The Science Report Studies fail to establish any link between Cell phone use and brain cancer. Heavy cannabis use associated with poor sperm quality. Habitat loss found to be a major problem for hundreds of endangered Australian bird species. China confirmed behind cyber security attacks against Australia. Facial-recognition databases to be restricted in the United States. A paranormal investigator claims there are Big Foots in New Zealand – but few believe him. For enhanced Show Notes including photos to accompany this episode, visit: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, PocketCasts, Podbean, Castbox, iHeartRadio, Radio Public, TuneIn Radio, Spreaker, Deezer, ACast, etc RSS feed: Would you prefer to have access to the special commercial-free version of SpaceTime? Help support the show, subscribe via Patreon....and share in the rewards. Details at Help support SpaceTime: The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a par...
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