The Astronomy, Technology, and Space Science News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 25 Episode 22
*A new insight into Earth’s inner core
A new study suggests the Earth’s inner core isn’t a normal solid but composed of a solid iron sublattice and liquid-like light elements in a superionic state.
*Exploring the secrets of the Southern Cross
Astronomers have used a new technique to unlock the secrets of the interior structure of Beta Crucis – the second brightest star in the constellation Southern Cross and the 20th brightest star in the night skies.
*Astra rocket crash and burn
California-based Astra Space has failed in its latest launch attempt – crashing into the Atlantic Ocean following main engine cut off and First Stage separation four minutes into the flight.
*Another 34 One web satellites launched
A Russian Soyuz rocket has carried 34 One Web broadband internet satellites into orbit.
*The Science Report
Previous COVID-19 infection may offer 56% protection against catching Omicron variant.
The iconic Australian koala officially listed as endangered.
The Joint European Torus nuclear fusion reactor sets a new world record for energy production.
Skeptic's guide to the Nuremberg Code.
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