The Astronomy, Technology, and Space Science News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 25 Episode 25
*Cosmic cannibalism
Observations from the latest data release by the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission have allowed astronomers to identify stellar streams belonging to six dwarf galaxies which have been cannibalised and merged into the Milky Way over the past few billion years.
*How the Milky Way Galaxy was made
Astronomers study the light from some six hundred thousand stars to get a better idea of the chemical composition of the Milky Way galaxy.
*China says “not its space junk”
China says the spent rocket stage destined to crash onto the far side of the Moon on Thursday isn’t theirs.
*The Science Report
New study shows that kids produce less aerosol particles in their breath than adults.
Orangutans shown to instinctively know which rocks are good for hitting and which are best for cutting.
Consuming less meat linked to a lower cancer risk.
Elderly dog owners fifty per cent less likely to have a disability than non-dog owners.
Skeptic's guide to finding bigfoot.
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