*A new theory to explain how magnetars are made
New computer simulations have shown astronomers how Magnetars – stellar corpses with the strongest magnetic fields in the known universe – could have evolved.
*Japan’s Mission to the Martian moon Phobos
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JAXA is planning a sample return mission to the Martian moon Phobos.
*New worlds found beyond Neptune
Astronomers have discovered more than 300 new minor planets beyond Neptune.
*Long March 7A failure
China has failed to place a newly classified military spy satellite into orbit using its new-generation Long March 7A rocket.
*The Science Report
Heart damage common among patients hospitalised with COVID-19.
More evidence suggesting bats were the most likely source for the coronavirus.
Warnings COVID-19 may be able to spread in swimming centres.
Discovery of three new species of fish-eating toothed pterosaurs.
A new technique to ‘build’ meat grown in a laboratory.
Homeopath accreditation being challenged in the British high court.
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