Hello and welcome to SpaceTime with Stuart Gary, Series 26 Episode 84. Coming up on this episode: another milestone for NASA's Parker Solar Probe, gullies on Mars potentially formed by recent meltwater, a new study challenges the origins of Earth's water, and more. [NASA's Parker Solar Probe] NASA's Parker Solar Probe has achieved another milestone, completing its 16th close approach to the Sun. During this 16th orbit, the spacecraft reached its perihelion on June 22, coming within 8.5 million kilometers of the Sun's visible surface while traveling at a staggering speed of 587,000 kilometers per hour. [Martian Gullies Formed by Meltwater] Scientists have made a fascinating discovery on Mars. They have found gullies that appear to have been formed by recent liquid meltwater. Published in the journal Science, these findings provide new insights into the role of water from melting ice in shaping ravine-like channels along the sides of impact craters on the Red Planet. [Debate Over Earth's Origins Continues] The debate surrounding the origins of Earth's water continues with a new study challenging prevailing theories. According to this study, Earth obtained its water after the planet had already formed. This contradicts a previous study that suggested water was present in the material from which Earth was initially created. [The Science Report] In this week's Science Report, research indicates that the precursors of life on Earth might have been introduced by meteors or volcanic eruptions. Additionally, a high body mass index may not lead to an early death if an individual is otherwise healthy. Furthermore, it's been discovered that scent compounds from a person's hands can be used to predict their sex with an impressive 96% accuracy. [Skeptics Guide to Ghosts of Gracie Mansion] And now, for a skeptical examination of the ghosts of Gracie Mansion.
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