243 avsnitt • Längd: 25 min • Månadsvis
”The host, Macken Murphy, is able to condense vast chunks of information into engaging and digestible episodes. Fact-filled and fun.”
— The New York Times
The podcast Species is created by mackenmurphy.org. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
A discussion with Marta Kowal on beautification and what predicts it.
Marta Kowal (PhD) is a post-doctoral researcher at the IDN Being Human Lab, Institute of Psychology, University of Wrocław, Poland. Marta's academic background is in evolutionary psychology, and her research primarily focuses on mate attraction, physical attractiveness-enhancing behaviors, and romantic love, particularly from a cross-cultural perspective. During her PhD program, under the guidance of her supervisor, Professor Piotr Sorokowski, Marta secured a grant from the Polish National Science Centre to explore beauty-enhancing behaviors across different cultures. Marta takes one of the leadership positions in an extensive international consortium of over 400 scientists from more than 100 countries passionately committed to facilitating large-scale cross-cultural research projects.
Marta's website: https://martakowal.com/
If you want to listen to my audio course on human evolution, you can find it here: https://mackenmurphy.gumroad.com/l/humanevolution?layout=profile
If you want to donate to support Species, you can do so, here: https://donorbox.org/keep-species-free
If you want to keep up with my work, everything is here: https://linktr.ee/mackenmurphy
0:00 Intro
5:08 231 minutes daily on beauty?
10:38 The Benefits of Beauty
12:23 Beauty: Not (Just) a Social Construct
19:35 Collecting Big Data
23:34 Gender & Beautification
48:51 Age & Beautification
54:28 Social Media & Beautification
1:08:25 The Beautiful Beautify More
1:12:57 Wealth, Education, Politics & Beauty
1:24:32 Intrasexual Competition All The Way Down
1:28:44 The Pathogen Prevalence Hypothesis
1:36:57 Cultural and Individual Differences in Strategies
1:47:14 Conclusion
1:50:10 Outro
A natural history of infidelity and a history of science on the topic. Listen and learn about the oldest known laws in history, fish that get pessismistic without their boyfriend, the costs of monogamy, the ovulatory shift hypothesis (and a conspiracy theory about it), the mate-switching vs. dual-mating debate, and so much more.
If you want to listen to my audio course on human evolution, you can find it here: https://mackenmurphy.gumroad.com/l/humanevolution?layout=profile
If you want to donate to support Species, you can do so, here: https://donorbox.org/keep-species-free
If you want to keep up with my work, everything is here: https://linktr.ee/mackenmurphy
0:00 Intro
12:38 Theme
13:42 The Costs of Monogamy
20:01 The Many Strategic Functions of Infidelity
27:16 The Primary Reason Men Cheat
29:21 Intro to The Dual Mating Strategy
32:02 Ovulatory Shifts in Mate Preferences
34:26 Intro to the Mate Switching Hypothesis
36:13 Initial Impressions
42:15 Testing Mate-Switching vs. Dual-Mating
46:35 Addressing Critiques
48:16 The Usual Caveats
50:26 The Manosphere Reaction
51:31 Rollo’s Conspiracy (lol)
55:01 Nature’s Curse, Nature’s Gift
58:15 Outro
Selected references (most key information is in, or referenced in, these texts): Murphy, M., Phillips, C. A., & Blake, K. R. (2024). Why women cheat: testing evolutionary hypotheses for female infidelity in a multinational sample. Evolution and Human Behavior, 45(5), 106595.
Buss, D. M., Goetz, C., Duntley, J. D., Asao, K., & Conroy-Beam, D. (2017). The mate switching hypothesis. Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 143-149.
Gangestad, S. W., & Thornhill, R. (1998). Menstrual cycle variation in women's preferences for the scent of symmetrical men. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 265(1399), 927-933.
Gangestad, S. W., Thornhill, R., & Garver-Apgar, C. E. (2005). Adaptations to ovulation: Implications for sexual and social behavior. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14(6), 312-316.
Finkelstein, J. J. (1968). The Laws of Ur-Nammu. Journal of cuneiform studies, 22(3-4), 66-82.
Hicks, T. V., & Leitenberg, H. (2001). Sexual fantasies about one's partner versus someone else: Gender differences in incidence and frequency. Journal of Sex Research, 38(1), 43-50.
Laubu, C., Louâpre, P., & Dechaume-Moncharmont, F. X. (2019). Pair-bonding influences affective state in a monogamous fish species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286(1904), 20190760.
Scelza, B. A. (2011). Female choice and extra-pair paternity in a traditional human population. Biology Letters, 7(6), 889-891.
Scelza, B. A. (2013). Choosy but not chaste: Multiple mating in human females. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews, 22(5), 259-269.
Scelza, B. A. (2014). Jealousy in a small-scale, natural fertility population: The roles of paternity, investment and love in jealous response. Evolution and Human Behavior, 35(2), 103-108.
Stewart-Williams, S. “Nurture Alone Can’t Explain Male Aggression.” Nautilus. April 26, 2019. http://nautil.us/blog/nurture-alone-cant-explain-male-aggression
Yildiz, F. (1981). A tablet of codex Ur-Nammu from Sippar. Orientalia, 50(1), 87-97.
An audio essay on human nature, followed by an interview with primatologist Dr. Susan Cheyne. Susan is the co-director of the Borneo Nature Foundation International and the Borneo River Initiative for Nature Conservation and Communities, she is the Vice Chair of the IUCN Section on Small Apes, and she is also a Senior Lecturer at Oxford Brookes; she has been studying gibbons for about 27 years. Our conversation is wide-ranging, but centers on gibbons. We discuss gibbon locomotion, life among gibbons, the nature and function of gibbon song, gibbon violence, monogamy, and infanticide (and lack thereof), and other subjects. Enjoy.
Dr. Cheyne's research: http://www.susancheyne.com
IUCN Section on Small Apes: https://gibbons.asia/
0:00 Are humans naturally monogamous?
17:27 Introducing today's subject and guest
20:25 Gibbon overview (interview starts)
31:57 Why do humans have twins?
34:02 A day in the life of a gibbon
38:57 Studying gibbons
40:37 Forgotten apes
44:06 Monogamy
1:09:27 Violence
1:11:34 Singing
1:17:49 Intelligence
1:23:28 Conservation
Sources relevant to the introduction:
Stewart-Williams & Thomas | "The Ape That Thought It Was a Peacock" | 2013
Fisher | "The Anatomy of Love" | 2016
Ryan & Jethá | "Sex at Dawn" | 2010
Kramer | Pew Research | 2020
Marlowe | Behavioural Processes | 2000
Chapais | Evolutionary Anthropology | 2013
Schacht & Kramer | Sec Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology | 2019
Shankman | "The Mead–Freeman Controversy Continues" | 2018 (I'm not sure if this view is correct; once again, you can find academics on both sides of this.)
A deep dive into the manosphere, with the scholar who knows it best, Louis Bachaud.
The manosphere is a constellation of 5 loosely affiliated communities, including pick-up artists (PUAs), men's rights activists (MRAs), "Men Going Their Own Way" (MGTOW), incels (the "Black Pill" communiy), and the "Red Pill" community. Louis details the history of the manosphere, describes the current factions and their differences, and guides us through their use and misuse of science, especially evolutionary psychology. The episode opens with a systematic critique of the manosphere, and the interview starts around 34 minutes in. Enjoy.
Recommended background, especially for critiques of the manosphere:
- Bachaud, L., & Johns, S. E. (2023). The use and misuse of evolutionary psychology in online manosphere communities: The case of female mating strategies. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 5, e28.
For the size and direction of sex differences, see:
- Archer, J. (2019). The reality and evolutionary significance of human psychological sex differences. Biological Reviews, 94(4), 1381-1415.
- Stewart-Williams, S., Butler, C. A., & Thomas, A. G. (2017). Sexual history and present attractiveness: People want a mate with a bit of a past, but not too much. The Journal of Sex Research, 54(9), 1097-1105.
- Schmitt, D. P. (2005). Sociosexuality from Argentina to Zimbabwe: A 48-nation study of sex, culture, and strategies of human mating. Behavioral and Brain sciences, 28(2), 247-275.
- Buss, D. M. (1989). Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures. Behavioral and brain sciences, 12(1), 1-14.
For extra-pair paternity:
- Wolf, M., Musch, J., Enczmann, J., & Fischer, J. (2012). Estimating the prevalence of nonpaternity in Germany. Human Nature, 23, 208-217.
- Anderson, K. (2006). How well does paternity confidence match actual paternity? Evidence from worldwide nonpaternity rates. Current anthropology, 47(3), 513-520.
- Bellis, M. A., Hughes, K., Hughes, S., & Ashton, J. R. (2005). Measuring paternal discrepancy and its public health consequences. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 59(9), 749-754.
For age gaps:
- Conroy-Beam, D., & Buss, D. M. (2019). Why is age so important in human mating? Evolved age preferences and their influences on multiple mating behaviors. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 13(2), 127.
- Antfolk, J., Salo, B., Alanko, K., Bergen, E., Corander, J., Sandnabba, N. K., & Santtila, P. (2015). Women's and men's sexual preferences and activities with respect to the partner's age: Evidence for female choice. Evolution and Human Behavior, 36(1), 73-79.
- Buunk, B. P., Dijkstra, P., Kenrick, D. T., & Warntjes, A. (2001). Age preferences for mates as related to gender, own age, and involvement level. Evolution and Human Behavior, 22(4), 241-250.
Today, we explore the befuddling (and surprisingly complex) mystery of the human beard. Our guide is Dr. Barnaby Dixson, a human behavioral ecologist at the University of the Sunshine Coast who uses interdisciplinary methods to investigate human mate preferences across cultures. His extensive work has bettered our understanding of a wide variety of physical traits; most relevant to today's discussion, he is one of the primary contributors to our understanding of beards. We discuss the evolution of facial masculinity and facial hair, and their role in attractiveness and intimidation across various contexts. You can learn more about Dixson, here: https://www.usc.edu.au/staff/dr-barnaby-dixson
Relevant sources are mostly in Dixson’s past publications: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=LE_ROqQAAAAJ&hl=en
But also, see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vbEZV65uWCcG3E3Qzk-DEuy2m3rodw07WIt3l6meMSo/edit?usp=sharing
William Costello is an expert on incels, a rising star in the field of evolutionary psychology, and the latest protégé of Dr. David Buss. In this conversation, we discuss incel violence, demographics, mythology, perception vs. reality, and solutions to inceldom, among other things.
There's still time to participate in Costello's cross-sex mind-reading study, here: https://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_38KyEyGDOs4stN4
You can keep up with Costello on Twitter, @CostelloWilliam: https://twitter.com/CostelloWilliam?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Alexander is a psychologist and science communicator. He is best known for his deep dives into the literature on human mating and his nuanced critiques of popular misconceptions about dating. In this data-driven discussion, he talks to Macken about what men and women actually want and what people generally get wrong about dating, before diving into a variety of topics including the Manosphere, the “mating crisis,” hypergamy, and bodycount, among others.
Alexander is @datepsych on Twitter, where he runs online studies and produces fascinating threads on mating. He also runs a popular blog, datepsychology.com, and is increasingly popular on YouTube, @alex.datepsych.
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water... a brand new episode of Species. Come listen and learn about their secret social lives, how to survive a shark attack, and some mind-blowing stats.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ayzr57teXk06LE21jN9LH934wXhOzIRW9KbKiBeCUVw/edit?usp=sharing
I'm extremely busy and, unfortunately, pausing production on Species, at least for most of this month. If you sent me a donation in January and you want a refund, contact me through mackenmurphy.org, and I will be sure to send it back to you. My sincerest apologies.
"DNA isn't all that matters, but it matters more than everything else put together."
—Dr. Robert Plomin
Blueprint: https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262039161/blueprint/
Plomin is one of history's most important psychologists and a pioneer in the field of behavioral genetics. He is a research professor at King's College London, best known for his work on twins. In this podcast, Plomin explains how we know that genes impact our behavior, clarifies all the common confusions about the field, and pushes back against some of Macken's criticisms. Enjoy.
TikTok @mackenmurphy: https://www.tiktok.com/@mackenmurphy
YouTube @murphymacken (I would buy the @mackenmurphy handle from you, if you have it): https://www.youtube.com/@murphymacken
Nature's greatest shapeshifter, the mimic octopus is known for their spectacular impersonations of other species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CrxPPq4mAJpmmQTFIh51KzoHa1SZZv5C4dF-KyFB0ik/edit?usp=sharing
Women compete vigorously over mates but do so more subtly than men. In this episode, Dr. Tania Reynolds teaches us how women use gossip to win mates. Additionally, we discuss friendship, thinness, and the evolution of homosexuality, among other subjects.
Tania Reynolds is an assistant professor of Evolutionary Psychology at the University of New Mexico. Her research examines how intrasexual competition and cooperation contribute to psychological and behavioral sex differences. She investigates how pressures for humans' ancestors to select advantageous social allies—and be selected in return—contribute to modern-day preferences, biases, and behaviors.
Connect with Dr. Reynolds on Twitter @TaniaArline, and keep up with her work using the links below:
Department webpage: https://psych.unm.edu/people/faculty/profile/tania-reynolds.html
Research: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tania-Reynolds
This spider, Bagheera kiplingi, prefers a plant-based diet. Come learn about trees that pay ant security guards in gold, The Jungle Book, and an exceptional animal on this episode of Species.
Not from Guinea, not a pig.
Upcoming live events...
10 AM on October 26th: https://www.talesonmoonlane.co.uk/halftermfestival
2 PM on October 26th: https://www.moonlaneink.co.uk/moonlanestorytellingworkshops
2 PM on October 27th: https://www.moonlaneramsgate.com/
Come learn about predator-prey communication, Bambi, and the most-hunted big game animal in America on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l947u7nmpJ-6e4_wkQt29WH7Lki-8I_hZLDFBhOWZfg/edit?usp=sharing
Find out how sock puppets aided the most insane conservation effort in history and learn everything about America's biggest bird.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SA3gYa9Xrq-sZxWkkqGWBbEbB1X0ZaaUGlFqLg-NN9w/edit?usp=sharing
Infidelity is almost ubiquitous among the Himba, an indigenous group of pastoralists living in Namibia and Angola. In this episode, I speak with a human behavioral ecologist who can help us understand why.
UCLA's Professor Brooke Scelza (@bascelza) has studied reproductive decision-making in these people for about a decade. Her fascinating work has made progress towards understanding the rationale behind patterns of parental investment, fosterage, and infidelity. In this podcast, we focus on the last item on this list. Come learn about an interesting culture and view infidelity through a new lens on this episode of Species.
An essay about birds, music, and evolution.
How come some Christians risk their lives to hold snakes? Why do snakes have forked tongues? Do snakes "see" heat? Listen and learn the answers to all these questions and more!
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14zL71mi0U2QGOdivbE_-ZomBBXVXDOKXc49R0yGR0UA/edit?usp=sharing
Come learn about a singing, (mostly) monogamous acrobat!
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O9830gFU8gHBDzF70JSwqo-mvwq3dZ7VogcX3rFzDS0/edit?usp=sharing
This microscopic animal can survive in outer space. Find out how and learn about the toughest animal on earth (and off of it) by listening to today's episode!
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NXu2AzNhIj7V_9jcISMvxolWlCAim0uzCLveJDYuFtQ/edit?usp=sharing
Exam season is upon us. Until exams finish, I will be taking a hiatus from the show to focus. Donors, please feel free to pause donations until then; there are never any hard feelings from me, only gratitude towards you. Until we return, please feel free to enjoy the back catalogue, and the content below. - MM
Animal Sidekicks: https://neonsquidbooks.com/books/animal-sidekicks/
Sentientist Conversations (definitely not for children): https://youtu.be/vzn-AhproxE
Human Evolution: https://frstre.com/go/?a=95595-7e38d9&s=1771291-5cf1d5&p_affiliate.referral_code=mackenmurphy
(If you can't afford a Listenable subscription, just use the free trial to listen and then cancel. Also: I get 30% of your subscription if you subscribe through that link, and you can get 30% off online using the promo code: mackenmurphy)
Thank you so much for your support through the years, the journey is far from over.
This crab could give your car a hug. Come learn about Scottish fairies and fisheries on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14X6sb9dx9wHqwiiPkm2-nLdnBuFYFXKOL_GzZq7dhkc/edit?usp=sharing
95% of this bird's food is stolen. Come learn about the greatest pirate in the animal kingdom and the largest cash heist in world history on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ESVjx91TyWn3VeJc9dmuYHFCbmb9IEyDvfrKzfh7H48/edit?usp=sharing
Why did love evolve? In this episode, we hear from Dr. Helen Fisher about the three different kinds of love, how they benefited our ancestors, and how we can use our knowledge of them to improve our romantic lives. She gives us data-driven advice on how to choose a partner and how to keep your relationship happy through the months, years, and decades.
Dr. Helen Fisher is arguably the world’s leading expert on romantic love. She is a biological anthropologist working as the chief science advisor at Match.com. Her TED talks have been viewed millions of times, she is the author of several books, and you can find her wonderful content at her website: https://helenfisher.com/
They run faster than Usain Bolt, they swim faster than Michael Phelps, they're stronger than Eddie Hall, and they're taller than Yao Ming. Come learn about brown bears on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1poCmUlq0fHLEfTgdCDLjfSKcN-9PfRzN2wU3I1eJZFA/edit?usp=sharing
Why do bad animals do good things? In this episode, Macken discusses some of the main reasons why humans do good, and dives into one of the little-known benefits of altruism.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xc7hdGeVLuz-oqGH3jemg5lUzcGaL9aWXbfCOkvnXC0/edit?usp=sharing
Come learn about the biggest centipede on earth, discover their insane hunting habits, and hear two big pieces of news from the millipede world on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12oT7p-aCayqmddyGQ4ZS-bRFpOlcuJSylk063_LJOZA/edit?usp=sharing
When Men Behave Badly: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/david-buss-phd/when-men-behave-badly/9780316419352/
Dr. David Buss is the most referenced evolutionary psychologist in history, and one of the most influential psychologists on earth. In this episode, he joins us to explain conflict between the sexes, sexual selection theory, infidelity, intimate partner violence and abuse, stalking, and how evolutionary insights can benefit people, This episode is not intended for all audiences.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kRFXSoSMUafUbevcXzg8UEkF5Qc0NzSAO56Bghm-8aM/edit?usp=sharing
What's so special about the human brain?
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10525CfbVLmhaWARU6YaXz8ZGG-byTemSKE8C4dPst2w/edit?usp=sharing
If you would like to learn about human evolution, listen to Macken's audio course here: https://frstre.com/go/?a=95595-7e38d9&s=1771291-5cf1d5&p_affiliate.referral_code=mackenmurphy
This is my affiliate link, I get 30% of your subscription if you sign up here. If you use the promo code "mackenmurphy," you get 30% off yours.
The honeyguide is, perhaps, humanity's oldest friend. We share a symbiotic relationship that is among the most complicated examples of mutualism in nature—the only natural instance of human cooperation with a wild animal. Come learn about one of Macken's favorite creatures on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ne_SqZRXQZVcVEfIA5D69x-50n8OZuvS1HV1c5yRp-0/edit?usp=sharing
If you would like to learn about human evolution, listen to Macken's audio course here: https://frstre.com/go/?a=95595-7e38d9&s=1771291-5cf1d5&p_affiliate.referral_code=mackenmurphy
This is my affiliate link, I get 30% of your subscription if you sign up here. If you use the promo code "mackenmurphy," you get 30% off yours!
How do you breed betta fish in a US prison? How come betta bubbles don't pop? Why do betta fish gulp air? And what does this have to do with self-defense law? Come get your answers to these questions, and learn a bit about violence, on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sn0h_hpL06L3Ct27ah01AcMMSHoMpOoqJ1mVIyLa84s/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome back! Thank you all for your support and patience over the summer. Come learn about what the platypus has in common with sharks, snakes, beavers, ducks, hamsters, and a bunch of other animals in this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dkovdm76PgDMmyF0gDRMbjpEFmHJVO5jUX0X2PTrhs0/edit?usp=sharing
Today I sat down with Professor Joe Henrich to discuss what makes our species special—which is, by his lights, culture. Our conversation centers on how culture develops, and from this topic, we managed to hit a wide range of other subjects, including but not limited to: the validity of children as models for uncultured humans, the relevance of intelligence to human success, the potential philosophical implications of known facts about cultural evolution, neanderthals vs. humans, and the extent to which human nature is genetic.
Henrich is Professor and Chair of the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University, and he is the author of two widely-acclaimed books, The Secret of Our Success and The WEIRDest People in the World. Our conversation today focused on the first book, but you can find both on Henrich's website: https://henrich.fas.harvard.edu/
Unfortunately, due to a variety of personal factors, I need to slow down Species to a less-than-weekly schedule, at least until October. This is heartbreaking for me, but I need to take my foot off the pedal for a moment. If you are new (or new-ish) to the show, we've got over 200 episodes waiting for you; it's all evergreen content, dive in, and don't worry about listening in any particular order. If you are a longtime fan and you just want new content from me, I've got a 10-episode series on how our species evolved waiting for you here: https://frstre.com/go/?a=95595-7e38d9&s=1771291-5cf1d5&p_affiliate.referral_code=mackenmurphy
(If you can't afford a Listenable subscription, just use the free trial to listen and then cancel. Also: I get 30% of your subscription if you subscribe through that link, and you can get 30% off online using the promo code: mackenmurphy)
Thank you so much for your support through the years, the journey is far from over.
Why do porcupines have antibiotics on their quills? Is urination romantic? Can porcupines throw their quills? Find out the answer to all these questions and more on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jk-CCUSRdr-pzdIRmmpnCfdMezkY5SuIPXVcvR45yFA/edit?usp=sharing
Here is the affiliate link for my new audio course, "Human Evolution," first episode is free: https://frstre.com/go/?a=95595-7e38d9&s=1771291-5cf1d5&p_affiliate.referral_code=mackenmurphy
I get 30% of your subscription if you subscribe through this link, your support is greatly appreciated! Also, you get 30% off when you sign up online and use the promo code: mackenmurphy
How do plants get energy from the sun, and why are they green? Come learn about a solar-powered slug on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JVpieyxEDEWpKLjVOtWecIeE272Dxs9i5XjluDqS8Wc/edit?usp=sharing
Here is the affiliate link for my new audio course, "Human Evolution," first episode is free: https://frstre.com/go/?a=95595-7e38d9&s=1771291-5cf1d5&p_affiliate.referral_code=mackenmurphy
I get 30% of your subscription if you subscribe through this link, your support is greatly appreciated! Also, you get 30% off when you sign up online and use the promo code: mackenmurphy
This bird wipes their own memory so they don't starve. Find out all about how they survive Alaskan winters and the perks of forgetfulness on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pkvxdWIV0vqfl5UddAfsgfMUEtW5enTMohsED0_5CnE/edit?usp=sharing
Here is my affiliate link for my audio course, "Human Evolution," first episode is free: https://frstre.com/go/?a=95595-7e38d9&s=1771291-5cf1d5&p_affiliate.referral_code=mackenmurphy
I get 30% of your subscription if you subscribe through this link, your support is greatly appreciated! Also, you get 30% off when you sign up online and use the promo code: mackenmurphy
Why do these salamanders get their own powerpoint in every biology class? What is a ring species, and what if the animals between us and chimps were still alive? Come learn about one of the most theoretically important creatures on earth on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KXT7pHVzxkAtr1JXtAwgW-WeXXqdkwCxvS8YTcvwqvU/edit?usp=sharing
Here is my affiliate link for my new audio course, "Human Evolution," first episode is free: https://frstre.com/go/?a=95595-7e38d9&s=1771291-5cf1d5&p_affiliate.referral_code=mackenmurphy
I get 30% of your subscription if you subscribe through this link, your support is greatly appreciated! Also, you get 30% off when you sign up online and use the promo code: mackenmurphy
Come learn about the possible reasons why the enormous Irish elk went extinct, the conflict between sexual selection and survival, and the orc of the swine world on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/103mGaTzYZfrA9SHKig9BYhrg363HEV7w1UdA4qpJ-BA/edit?usp=sharing
It might be more appropriate to call them the alligator-snapping turtle. Come learn about the largest snapping turtle on earth.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14FZe2J58br8Ls7bLl2ZnFwNEb8pCxuQUewtv1ZRElWY/edit?usp=sharing
Poisonous birds are real. Come learn about one on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14jU3dUvrQbLQLhJC6o4-VQwjlTxcUWy6H1YhNlMr41Q/edit?usp=sharing
If you would like to learn about human evolution, listen to Macken's new audio course here: https://frstre.com/go/?a=95595-7e38d9&s=1771291-5cf1d5&p_affiliate.referral_code=mackenmurphy
This is my affiliate link, I get 30% of your subscription if you sign up here. If you use the promo code "mackenmurphy," you get 30% off yours!
Come learn about the heads of hammerhead sharks and find out why a fish would hold their breath underwater.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1exsssJqR0O0mj0xxNkNhwU1hTlwsdV2FAWGPJ1aLPtc/edit?usp=sharing
Here is the affiliate link for my new audio course, "Human Evolution," first episode is free: https://frstre.com/go/?a=95595-7e38d9&s=1771291-5cf1d5&p_affiliate.referral_code=mackenmurphy
I get 30% of your subscription if you subscribe through this link, your support is greatly appreciated! Also, you get 30% off when you use the promo code: mackenmurphy
I preview my new 10-lesson audio course, "Human Evolution," on Listenable.
Here's the link to listen, the introductory lesson is free: https://frstre.com/go/?a=95595-7e38d9&s=1771291-5cf1d5&p_affiliate.referral_code=mackenmurphy
(Full disclosure: This is my affiliate link, and if you use it, I get an additional 30% of your subscription. Thank you so much for your support. Send me a message on mackenmurphy.org/contact if you can't afford to listen, and I'll help you out.)
If a big cat is going to eat Macken, he hopes it's a jaguar. Find out why, and learn all about this terrifying animal on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14kXGxp5UahAUB5WfgcQ8UlPTNmOCdlEFrUA84XPxmS8/edit?usp=sharing
This butterfly is a Trojan horse and a Rube Goldberg machine wrapped into one. Come learn about oregano's roundabout way of defending itself on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lLH6Wy3Fba04ZP3g9yVrQp5puslJOPdfFV5QrvwHJzU/edit?usp=sharing
Did the washing machine liberate women? Can compost spontaneously combust? Will AI exacerbate inequality? Find out about the malleefowl and (tangentially) related topics on this episode of species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MD4pevnsRvPaTuAG_u1PrqkltukyqVi79We4z8gLX08/edit?usp=sharing
What's the Code of Hammurabi? If earthworms could write horror movies, what would the monster look like? Come learn about the limbless amphibian who eats their mother on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N4CxfnqU4OobOIvPQPk7FWcLsZHqzPHOPY-rlT5c8YE/edit?usp=sharing
This creature brings a whole lot more than nudity to the table. These rats live like ants, and can live without almost anything. Come learn about one of the strangest animals on the planet on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/196o_CurSfPqdIRmm7Q1L_9YQ6LCSLU7wxMnFiOjyDLY/edit?usp=sharing
Why do periodical cicadas lie dormant for 17 years? What are they doing that whole time? And how do they know it's time to come up?
My first children's book: https://neonsquidbooks.com/books/animal-sidekicks/
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_RGZZryFdAAgF17xDu2Kx-IrrPRgoix4Xx3iO-P_KwQ/edit?usp=sharing
Omen of death or benevolent being? Annoyance or lullaby? Come learn about the invisible bird that looks like an owl and hunts like a frog.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-B4baVczEVG-ASmV9X05bZTFeFR32vgaFAy97c7irXw/edit?usp=sharing
Try saying that three times fast. Come learn all about the fish with the longest name, and a bit about nomenclature in general.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rCa0QIyXMNlbGe9tJLtRxkr1f6FXfuLKH1-tccPBvmU/edit?usp=sharing
They aren't lemurs, they can't fly, but they're the greatest mammalian gliders on earth and they might be your cousin.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tYVDiQix_0cqwVwzGhDW7oS2QjyBR9V6TAJ7FCj_yiE/edit?usp=sharing
Why did beards evolve (in us and these lizards)? Were the lizards in Holes real? Will bearded dragons changing sex decimate the species?
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gi3tAGnuhqMVB4w9i-bjB804WPaluKvb3TdrD7bpVDE/edit?usp=sharing
This bird carries home water stashed in their chest feathers.
Come learn about the price of water on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TTS5YvQiBiKlIu_40pOf8029Frs0cIO0M_P7TmAVDRI/edit?usp=sharing
It is ridiculous that all the aliens we've made up have jaws. Come find out why, and learn about the fish that lack them.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1npNiNPEIkuVmjfjSbW346YaT28eoNdOUubCWkaww0gM/edit?usp=sharing
Why do hamsters eat their babies? What language calls them "Mr. Saddlebags," and why? Who would win, a hamster or a wasp?
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OxSxISRaNmFfB60z-3akij2nbsAPjVqqfNxXzqL2mbM/edit?usp=sharing
What percentage of the population could you plausibly have a child with? Come learn about a species that may have acheived global panmixia.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JpZAzmg7ZCuT4I3hzm_J3Xa_qZiPM0l_M1kp94XAohc/edit?usp=sharing
The biggest eagle on earth (debatably). Come learn about a monster on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tl56m5p9t60wa9R4mhAHsLO6LkXMqb_yyTVwn2WfEJ4/edit?usp=sharing
Come learn about a fish that walks on land and ruins Einstein quotes on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eAk_FQb_6-PdLldZDS7Lc4q9cUmSFQ3NFDk-qqkSlmA/edit?usp=sharing
The slower they go, the harder they work. Learn about why kangaroos hop, why they have pouches, and why they are the weirdest grazing animals on earth on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x7yA0OS_iHuNiXATwFOZwkvcrpkqg1ivIgIO5W_P5eY/edit?usp=sharing
Did humans evolve to punch each other in the face? Are we more violent than ever? This crab uses sea anemones as boxing gloves. Come learn about them.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pXgDZZrpqYz_CJm9M-hg7UZ1ibwVgbgu3s-FfmvTMsA/edit?usp=sharing
Why did penguins lose the ability to fly? What's up with those yellow eyebrows? Does expertise come at a cost? Find out all of these things and more on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xoa9Z6KnhD-WTvWYoWfnlnUI9YAxz3mba5r7YQRusbI/edit?usp=sharing
How do suction cups work? Did Caligula get murdered due to remoras? Are remoras good or bad for their hosts? Find out on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y30oSBdF0feRKLpSOVYBZ3PFlHtqSaQ9u25dqBwaPCY/edit?usp=sharing
Who is the most prolific serial killer of all time? How do ligers get so big? Why do tigers have stripes? Find out everything you could possibly want to know about tigers on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LUBGGbhJOwxTaDOFzYehXlOF87OTSEA74HnPwbiSlgc/edit?usp=sharing
This insect can survive being run over by a Toyota Camry. Here's how...
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-HFHQ9iJgTHDQKs8Tl3SzVZYrs2g7KzaRnkuqaEAork/edit?usp=sharing
Why do women cheat? Why do cuckoos cosplay as hawks? Why did the merry men of Gotham think they could bring about an endless summer by trapping a cuckoo?
Find out the answer to all these why's and more on this episode of species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1807zyPxfAHbTXqCG6t8J7XfeD4RTUotfrTU3GUaD9h4/edit?usp=sharing
How do you measure success in the fight for survival? What is the most common vertebrate on earth? Which traits are most useful to an animal's abundance? Get your answers to all these questions and more on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f02h0cboM7oO7-4h31uhsqH07QgUPmr0uFDIpUspv1o/edit?usp=sharing
Why do zebras have stripes? Why don't people ride zebras? Why do zebras kill their babies? Find out on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gvcojy4USerYBMmrEP-co3R0mEcQgSAROqhiBFxiTtA/edit?usp=sharing
Dr. Richard Wrangham’s book, The Goodness Paradox, argues that we humans inadvertently domesticated ourselves using the death penalty. In this conversation, we discuss the evidence supporting this hypothesis, the radical implications that follow from it, and a whole host of other topics, including morality, religion, patriarchy, psychopathy, and drug use in chimpanzees.
Richard is Harvard University’s Ruth B. Moore Professor of Biological Anthropology, he is founder of the Kibale Chimpanzee Project, co-founder of the Kasiisi Project, and patron of the Great Apes Survival Partnership. He is the author of three influential books, Demonic Males, Catching Fire, and his newest book, The Goodness Paradox, which we recommend you read: https://www.amazon.com/Goodness-Paradox-Relationship-Violence-Evolution/dp/1101970197/ref=sr_1_1?crid=20C3Z9TAHH4UK&dchild=1&keywords=the+goodness+paradox+richard+wrangham&qid=1605904298&s=books&sprefix=the+goodness+pa%2Cstripbooks%2C180&sr=1-1
It's good to be afraid. Come learn about the woman who can't feel fear, the roaches who are rendered fearless and the wasp who makes it possible. Warning: This podcast is not for the faint of heart.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1su0d1qEn6P_JcjtyIMIZeNNXKOlUVcilBpV-SfQSx7A/edit?usp=sharing
Today we're going to talk about the (seemingly) mathematically impossible. Come learn about the oxpecker, their relationship with rhinos, and how we know anything on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZDY2BPC2qLq1xOaCci_wy0OCjUBeE7M_0p9wBBvTXp0/edit?usp=sharing
Why are clowns scary? If all clownfish are born male, how can they reproduce? How do clownfish survive living inside a sea anemone, and what does the anemone get out the deal? Come listen and learn from the Species podcast post-Halloween special.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kluzIMr4qZdQkI44n6QM7NJHhV6yxA7SjbwcDHsRFX0/edit?usp=sharing
Why was Thomas Jefferson embarrassed about American animals? Are there moose in New Zealand? What is the only weapon in the universe that doubles as a hearing aid?
Recording of my live lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bnpUnkwLyU
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Em2fnOkQvkDtmo8C-ASwlqsFyXjnihamYsQMm1K_gk/edit?usp=sharing
Come hear about an animal who is full of surprises, and learn about one of the most elaborate acts of deception in the animal kingdom.
Register for my live show: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0odOivqz8rHd1T_g-UMAlfG92NGUSFIxxD
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UoaDBj8TJlgR3tYbUJrGv3wSd4g0EgkUMQMphFPc9z4/edit?usp=sharing
This animal has the vision of a video game character, and they glitch like one too. Come hear about the benefits of seeing urine and the hack to hover without hummingbird wings on this episode of Species.
Register for my upcoming lecture: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0odOivqz8rHd1T_g-UMAlfG92NGUSFIxxD
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k054w73uaQd1Mre21GzoDrc9LRW-oxdXWRGC6xzj5nA/edit?usp=sharing
Juliet Gellatley is the founder and director of Viva!, one of the most effective animal rights charities in the world. In this conversation, she sat down with Macken to speak about her organization’s new film, “Hogwood,” an exposé of a British pig farm that put the corruption of related institutions on full display. In this conversation, Juliet details the heroism and horrors of her experiences with Hogwood, outlines the greatest joys and worst miseries in a pig’s life, and explains the state of farming in the 21st century.
Hogwood is available on Apple TV, Amazon Prime, and Google Play. You can find Viva! here: https://www.viva.org.uk/
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zyGukCFXL-CWQKHbDOUnswGq52Hyp4Cbt4WngHQ2wZY/edit?usp=sharing
Come hear about the longest migration on earth, and get your answers to these important questions: What is the world record for the longest distance walked? Why do birds migrate? Does this have anything to do with surfing?
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ry0glRBVbZCcxufI_ZCyfBE0b8kwb23qdZzwZtslmwc/edit?usp=sharing
This animal is one of the cruelest predators on earth. Come learn about the cannibal bird that imprisons their prey on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mLBi5ZY8cZmu81eTy9Kg5rYBJlOlChoN_-VBuuzz-Co/edit?usp=sharing
Could we stop flies from spreading diseases by letting them eat cannabis? How many species of insect are there? Why do sandflies drink blood? Come find out on this episode of Species.
This episode is dedicated to the memory of Alex Levy.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/124pvi8VkW8L5y8imnM5Rspqa1_VeDu9NAXxC4qo0nY0/edit?usp=sharing
Today, we're talking about the wooly cow. Come listen and learn about their adaptations to the cold, the extinction of Pleistocene megafauna, and the potential conflict between Darwinian success and personal happiness.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17UgawNuB5dT20123jffn4Md8SKhieipGcz6OySaV4yM/edit?usp=sharing
Today I spoke with Ingrid Newkirk, one of the most influential people in the history of the animal rights movement. Ingrid has advocated for animals from the streets of New Delhi to the halls of US Congress, and her work has lead to tremendous progress on behalf of animals in laboratories, on farms, and in shelters alike.
In this conversation, we spoke about animal advocacy, controversies surrounding PETA, and Ingrid's new book, Animalkind: Remarkable Discoveries about Animals and Revolutionary New Ways to Show Them Compassion. Get your copy here: https://shop.peta.org/animalkind.html
Males are dispensable. Come learn about the costs and benefits of asexual reproduction and the all-female lizards who perform amputations on themselves on this episode of Species.
Why do two separate cultures believe the penguin feeds their children with a blood ritual? Can a pelican's beak hold more than their belican? How many horses can you trade for a pelican mandible? Find out all this and more on this episode of Species.
This frog survives freezing to death. Come learn about cryonics, what cold is, terminal burrowing, and more on this episode of Species.
How did blue whales evolve to be so big? What can whale earwax teach us about whale emotions? Do blue whales have long-distance relationships? Come learn about the largest animal of all time on this episode of Species.
Come learn about a blood-sucking bird, solve a few mysteries, and find out more about the history of evolutionary theory on this episode of Species.
A gargantuan remnant of the Jurassic lives on in a Russian river... Come learn about a candidate for the largest freshwater fish of all time on this episode of Species.
Do roadrunner's footprints ward off evil spirits? Does this animal have solar panels? Do they really make a "beep beep" sound? How fast can they go, and how do they do it? Who would win, a roadrunner or a rattlesnake?
Get the answer to all of these questions and more on this episode of Species.
Come listen and learn about the science of inflatable fish on this episode of Species.
Yes, this is a real thing. No, we don't mean "gliding," or "jumping," we mean flying.
Come learn about a biological rocket and the history of jet propulsion on this insane episode of Species.
Geoffrey Miller is among the most prominent scientists on earth. As an evolutionary psychologist, he has published over one hundred academic articles with over 14,000 citations, and he is the author of several popular books. His work has been featured everywhere from The New York Times to The Joe Rogan Experience, and he has worked as a consultant for governments, NGOs, and Fortune 500 companies alike.
In this conversation, he uses evolutionary psychology as a lens with which to view a wide variety of topics, including: COVID-19, politics, free speech, polyamory, consciousness and the self.
Relevant links: - Geoffrey's website - Virtue Signaling book - Consciousness essay - Geoffrey's YouTube channel - Twitter - Geoffrey's recommended books for reading during the pandemicLearn about the defensive benefits of mucus, the origins of disgust, the disturbing source of tropical beaches, and the benefits of changing sex, all on this episode of Species.
In this episode, Macken sits down for a livestream with social media expert John Oberg. John gives us a tutorial on activism in the era of social distancing, before discussing a wide variety of topics relating animals and COVID-19. John and Macken discuss the humanist reasons to go vegan, wet markets, factory farms, and the ban on eating dogs in China.
John Oberg is one of the most prominent characters in the modern animal rights movement. He is an animal advocate hoping to make the world a kinder place by utilizing the power of social media. He recently launched his own independent project for animals through Patreon. Prior to that, he served as Director of New Media for the international animal protection organization, The Humane League. And prior to that, John served as Director of Communications for Vegan Outreach. In both of these roles, John oversaw social media for the organizations which led to a tenfold increase in following for both, as well as over 1 billion views of content posted to these pages.
You can find John on his website, Patreon, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
Come learn about the goblin shark, alien neomorphs, slingshot jaws, and electroreceptors on this episode of Species.
This lizard can walk on water. Listen to find out the science of how they achieve this miraculous feat, and learn a bit more about miracles, all on this episode of Species.
This animal has been called a stink bird, a cattle bird, an avian cow, a skunk bird, and a living dinosaur. Find out what they have in common with cows, and what makes them a dinosaur, all on this episode of Species.
Today we talk about the pride of Puerto Rico and the bane of Hawaii, a tiny frog with an enormous sound, the coquí.
At first glance, the koala is one of the cutest animals on earth. But if you take a closer look, you find some surprises. Come find out about the personal lives of koalas, Australian pranks, and John Oliver, all on this episode of Species.
Soul Eubanks is an artist and an activist in the animal rights movement. He is a leader in Atlanta’s vegan community, an environmentalist, a musician, a photographer, and he has worked with numerous animal rights organizations in various capacities.
In this conversation, we discuss his vegan journey, his organization of the Atlanta Animal Right’s March, his undercover work for PETA, how his art intersects with his activism. and his outreach work with Anonymous for the Voiceless and the Humane Society. We also hear his opinions on the state of the vegan movement, and he tells vegans what he thinks they're doing wrong, what they’re doing right.
Soul's links:
Patreon / Twitter / Instagram / Website / Apparel
This animal, the inland taipan (a.k.a. the "fierce snake") is the most venomous snake on earth. How much of their venom could kill you? How much could kill a football team? How much of it could kill all of New York? Find out about this, black t-shirts, and Theodore Roosevelt all on this episode of Species.
Come hear the legendary history of the goldfish, and get the answers to your most important goldfish-related questions: Do goldfish have a 3-second memory? How big is the biggest goldfish ever? How old is the oldest goldfish? Is my goldfish depressed? Learn all of this and more on this episode of Species.
Humans don't have a monopoly on culture, innovation, accents, great ideas, or even using other animals as forms of transport; the Japanese macaque has all these things and more! Come learn about the history of macaque innovation on this episode of Species.
There might be a 25-meter long worm living inside your body. On today's episode, you can get to know them a little better.
Today we are talking about Wallace's flying frog. You'll learn about how and why they fly, how and why Franz Reichelt didn't, and discover the bizarre way this animal reproduces, all on this episode of Species.
This episode is about a bizarre animal we used to call the "African unicorn." They've got an assortment of bizarre traits, each one more surprising than the last, and all of them are going to be described on this show. Join us to learn about the utility of abstaining from defecation, discover the practical uses of black and white stripes, and hear the silent sounds of the ghost of the forest. This animal is practically a mythical creature... Today we are going to try (and fail) to demystify them.
This episode starts with a squid attack, and goes downhill from there... This cannibalistic animal is big, vicious, and capable of biting through kevlar. Now, human folly is causing their populations to explode. Listen to find out if we are doomed.
This gentle giant can pass intelligence tests that would stump your dog and your child, and if they had the opportunity they could crush your car with their bodyweight. Come learn about one of the most unique animals on earth: the giant oceanic manta ray.
Are seagulls real? Could a gull kill a lamb? How have gulls adapted to human expansion? Today, we talk about the King of Gulls, the scourge of Chihuahuas, the largest gull on earth, the great black-backed gull.
This animal was extinct for 66 million years... Until they weren't. Come learn about an animal that came back from the dead, an animal the size of an NBA player, that hunts sharks from deepwater caves.
In this episode, Macken celebrates episode 100 by answering your questions! Thank you to all the donors and listeners for helping us get this far!
Millions of years ago, a group of iguanas were unbelievably fortunate; and now, we have marine iguanas. Hear that story, and learn all about the popular animal that can out-do dolphins underwater, and shrink their bones when necessary.
Please nominate us for the Podcast Awards, nominations close in just a few days...
In this episode, Macken talks to wildlife biologist Tyus D. Williams. During this long and wide-ranging conversation, they covered some of the following topics: The ethics of mosquito sterilization, conservation, pseudonaturalism, scientific contrarianism, Tyus's jaguar research, and tigers that eat bears.
Tyus is a researcher and science communicator whose work with jaguars has been published in National Geographic. You can interact with him on his twitter, @ScienceWithTyus, and learn from his #SciQFriday. If you want to thank him for coming on the show, you can buy him a cup of coffee.
Can an earthworm survive being cut in half? Do they re-grow both ends? Is it true that worms can reproduce with themselves? Was Charles Darwin obsessed with earthworms, and did he scientifically determine their favorite food? Do worms have brains? What about hearts? Why do they carry leaves back to their dens?
Find out all the answers on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hGhOUKfhp1q9F5M5y5X6pbL9ddqWlB1-bBogYw3aV1U/edit?usp=sharing
Can an earthworm survive being cut in half? Do they re-grow both ends? Is it true that worms can reproduce with themselves? Was Charles Darwin obsessed with earthworms, and did he scientifically determine their favorite food? Do worms have brains? What about hearts? Why do they carry leaves back to their dens?
Find out all the answers on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hGhOUKfhp1q9F5M5y5X6pbL9ddqWlB1-bBogYw3aV1U/edit?usp=sharing
Why are flamingos pink? Why do they stand on one leg? Do flamingos have teeth? Do flamingos know how to dance? Find out the surprising answers to all these questions and more, hear two weird conservation stories, and learn all about the American flamingo on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A5aZn6YhKxoQfvSSsHRFpsmBMRKYf0I5gfZxT-88sIo/edit?usp=sharing
John Oberg is one of the most prominent characters in the modern animal rights movement. He is an animal advocate hoping to make the world a kinder place by utilizing the power of social media. Today, John sat down with Macken for a conversation about veganism and animal rights advocacy. Together they went through the reasons for being vegan, discussed the future of veganism, and jointly addressed some of the most common defenses of animal exploitation. John also spoke about his fascinating life story, and his journey towards animal advocacy.
You can find John on his website, Patreon, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
Were honey badgers weaponized by the UK during the Iraq war? Who would win, the greatest fighter on earth, or a honey badger? What about a honey badger vs. a lion? Or a hyena? Or a cobra? How come honey badgers are so absurdly brave? Why are they such creative escape artists? Honey badgers are the toughest animals on the face of the planet, and today we talk all about them.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BoUEfR7tUcfFvlEeMabjbZ1F4meRuA7197t6Xv7-Hp4/edit?usp=sharing
This is the animal who inspired King Kong, and maybe some dragon stories. Find out about their magical healing abilities, their insane sense of smell, and their truly disturbing method of killing their prey. Discover the answer to the following questions: Why do almost all cultures have dragons? Do Komodo dragons kill by sepsis or venom? Are baby Komodo dragons just reptilian squirrels?
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10Z5Gnu_HJURoW5VYyTTcfcgmeXfNfXGq39BDgUoXl6s/edit?usp=sharing
Today we are going to talk about the ugliest animal on earth (at least, by popular vote). Join us, and discover why they look so awful on land and so normal at sea. Find out the fun facts we have about this animal, and learn about the nature of ugliness itself, on this episode of Species.
Salamander expert Kirsten Hecht—also known as Kirsten “Hechtbender,” for reasons that will become clear—gave Macken a call tonight to talk about salamanders and other topics. The conversation was light & fun, we heard a few stories, learned a bit of history, and found out a lot about animals.
Macken had several questions for her tonight, including: Why are they called hellbenders? Can all salamanders regenerate limbs? How do salamanders regenerate limbs? Why do amphibians go through a tadpole stage? Why don’t mudpuppies and axolotls grow up? How do you balance being a mom with being a scientist?
Macken and Kirsten ended up covering some tangential topics, from the history of dragons in China to the joys of Halloween. Everyone can find something to enjoy!
This animal may look pretty, but they can do some pretty ugly things to your nervous system. Discover the science of how octopuses change color, find out why "octopi" is grammatically incorrect, and learn about the scandalous mating techniques of this strange and dangerous animal all on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YhqDS42XkO-KniTav6H3hpbeRK-q0lcNdwwCEaRTHGc/edit?usp=sharing
Is color itself an illusion? Can blue jays speak English and imitate dogs? How can I get on Ellen? Do blue jays kill hawks? Do they use tools? Why do they mimic hawks? Are they bullies? What is so mysterious about them?
This episode will more or less answer all those questions, and together we will learn all about blue jays on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WJBq56qTc0b1FPjJasToUn1ehuYfQrxZmU8t5pMVOuw/edit?usp=sharing
Was the movie "Alien" plagiarized? How does an anglerfish make their lure glow? Why do fish fall for such a simple trick? What does it feel like to be a male anglerfish?
The anglerfish might be the creepiest animal in the ocean. Find out what we know about them through the lens of the humpback anglerfish, on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lLpuGJI2tzvC6qXO38Ln77TA_ALlLbPEuLpnxXiEPRM/edit?usp=sharing
This animal is nicknamed the "happiest animal on earth," but what do they have to be happy about? Not much, beyond hanging out with Roger Federer. Find out the meaning of "Rottnest" and learn about the child-sacrificing, lightning-fearing, gorgonzola-choking quokka on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gI4fknlR16jnIiVTwIQB7BrUW1I_oo5lK_QtBm2WN6M/edit?usp=sharing
Monogamy seems completely impractical from an evolutionary perspective. If the "goal" of the survival of the fittest is to pass on your genes, how can limiting yourself to just ONE mate make any sense at all? Wouldn't playing the field be the best way to succeed? In most cases, yep. But in some select species, monogamy is the best strategy. Today we are going to talk about why monogamy evolves, and the biological benefits of monogamy under specific circumstances. Happy Valentine's Day!
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yNPIT2FVh9dklZiAzcUnRhUOtWm4P_BwSvprEz6oFIw/edit?usp=sharing
Corbin Maxey is a nationally recognized animal expert and TV personality who has been featured on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,” “The Martha Stewart Show,” “Late Night with Seth Myers,” “The Today Show,” and now… Species!
Hear Corbin talk about becoming famous, saving alligators from teenager’s bedrooms, and almost getting killed by hippos while trying to use the bathroom in Africa, all on this special episode of Species.
Find Corbin Maxey all over the internet using the links below:
Website: www.corbinmaxey.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corbinmaxey/
Podcast: https://corbinmaxey.com/podcast-1/ or, search “Animals to the Max” on your favorite podcast app!
This hornet has a stinger as long as a thumbtack, and their venom dissolves flesh and kills dozens upon dozens of humans every year. As if that wasn't enough, they fly in swarms faster than you can run, and they are the largest hornets in the world. Beware.
They organize into war bands and decimate other species, and their behavior is unbelievably complex. Buckle up!
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TTMgZezhfjDcM9I4Hl4RDL_yVs90HGe_eRd6ZoeqWGg/edit?usp=sharing
This highly intelligent bird employs unbelievably complex strategies to hunt in packs, and take down evasive prey. Their social structure is extremely complex and their romantic lives will shock you. Here about the story of Rufus the security hawk's kidnapping from Wimbledon, and learn about an amazing animal on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jqsTGgzP_e-2XBy7QkzcsFJN2JSt6IgP0wZXPG591Oo/edit?usp=sharing
Support Species: SpeciesPodcast.com/Donate
This tiny frog nearly cost timber farmers $30 million and then became the center of a Supreme Court case.
Is the Supreme Court too powerful? Why does this frog cover their eyes when they're scared? What is a species, and what does "critical habitat" mean?
Find out all on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10mBi8uYMlwbJ1rjD30sf5xM1pZWmaQ2xK1c6YIXMbbM/edit?usp=sharing
While it may seem weird to call a nonhuman animal a "person," Argentina has done just that - in their country, chimpanzees and orangutans enjoy the benefits of legal personhood.
In America we like to think of "human" and "person" as equivalent terms, but that is demonstrably not the case; at least not legally.
So... Should other animals be considered people?
Vote: https://twitter.com/SpeciesPodcast/status/1088911107224416257
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PtGd9rO9G943JDw2e01PlEHlLek0fj6JakkTuYwo9Ao/edit?usp=sharing
How did we domesticate horses? Is there such thing as a wild horse? Who would win in a marathon, a horse or a human? How can I become a better inventor than Elon Musk?
Find out some insanely fun facts about horses and get the answers to all these questions on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16ksNcJ5CbL4pCuGppq7gC8HYRRVU29Q28hr03l3G-QM/edit?usp=sharing
"Rock-paper-scissors" is an old game, and these lizards have been playing it for way longer than us. Just a different version, with higher stakes. This is a game about life and death.
Learn about why lefties are better at fighting, frequency-dependent selection, and quality vs. quantity all on this episode of species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EkGLivXgxNnT9RTc3XICcsHHRUCxMwc-eOvDiSDJYSc/edit?usp=sharing
Ravens are so smart it's stupid. They use trickery, tools, communication, cooperation and betrayal to get ahead in the world. Come listen to some insane raven anecdotes, and get the answers to these questions: Why are there ravens in the Tower of London? Why do ravens fly towards gunfire? What do ravens, ants, humans and bees all have in common?
Find out about the common raven, Corvus corax, on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zoOfHpZ8skzSMZ6U9DlYPEHhKKr9mmb4iK9yTDaUs18/edit?usp=sharing
The vaquita is a tiny, adorable, panda-like porpoise, and they need your help. Listen to this episode fast, because sadly, it could expire any day. Species does not cover extinct animals, and this animal is on the brink. Find out all about the $20,000 bladder, the Chinese black market, and a guy who is not related to Chuck Norris on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11DkxAo-HitnUmWuoix3Dli5z3JUNkekfWWsSUmPonIw/edit?usp=sharing
This isn't actually a lobster, and they don't live in trees anymore. This is the rarest insect on earth. The Lord Howe Island stick insect. Dryococelus australis.
Considered extinct for decades and hidden for almost a century, this creature is unique, and they have an amazing story. Come listen and learn all about them!
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rQ-E6um6w6N9dh_OUScPt_VKhwMT_5ZEUDDff9KkCs8/edit?usp=sharing
Support Species: speciespodcast.com/donate
Humans are the only animals on earth that have chins. Seriously.
Look at your dog. Do they have a chin? Nope. Cat? No. Lions, tigers bears? Oh my! No, they do not have chins!
Why did chins evolve in humans, when they literally haven't evolved anywhere else?
Today we turn to the JD Pampush and DJ Daegling to explore the possible answers.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mn1Ya8gwk52JPBTFIh8-pfpXa1BLwzp5kgnYpJkGeLs/edit?usp=sharing
Donate: www.speciespodcast.com/donate
This animal is the baddest bird on the face of the planet: They decapitate crocodiles and deliberately defecate on their own legs. Why? Listen to find out. This bird is bad to the bone from the moment their born.
Come learn all about the creature, and finally discover whether or not birds are dinosaurs on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EbSO3bks7w2jy1vIDPDapLqmZVZlmBIFT7HtZR3Ody8/edit?usp=sharing
Support the Show: https://www.speciespodcast.com/donate
WARNING: This shark can walk on land. Nobody is safe. If you are easily upset by the concept of sharks, specifically those that can walk on land, this podcast may not be the one for you.
Everybody else, come have some family-friendly fun and listen to the science of how a fish can survive up here with the rest of us! Also, learn about the first life to walk on earth, and hear the science behind gills and adaptive radiation on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RGIbcHabAAdUJGWzUX0HFvkTM3n-VhBV-UyzLKkVF3k/edit?usp=sharing
Support Species: https://www.speciespodcast.com/donate
What has two tongues, spikes on their vertebrae, a "toilet claw," a tooth comb, and no index finger?
The Potto. Perodicticus potto.
Come learn all about an amazing animal, hear a heartbreaking story, and get an explanation for their strange body on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QafZ6UU_G8l_m8WnPBqzJ0TQrCtswffUkAlKnWMfe1I/edit?usp=sharing
They throw punches fast enough to vaporize water, and create deadly underwater implosions. Their eyes are the most advanced on earth: They can see more colors than we can imagine, and their eyes may be powerful enough to see cancer. This creature is one of the most amazing on earth, and you can learn all about them on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j9k_VB0dJ8B6X5kL3JsK0MhqvOpwUJDiG6DSsDgKSuk/edit?usp=sharing
This bird causes 1.6 billion dollars in damage to the US economy every year, and it's Shakespeare's fault. Well, kind of.
Listen and learn about the bird who has speaking abilities on par with parrots, who helped Mozart write his songs. Find out about a surprisingly amazing animal, and try to wrap your head around murmurations, on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FN8VHiGp7TPCIa2DfFBEYiLtAeDkW8wXaHarOnPloPk/edit?usp=sharing
Dogs, sheep, goats, rabbits, cows, pigs, all of these animals (and more) have floppy ears in captivity. Many of them have blotchy spots, and shorter snouts too! Why are these traits common to domesticated mammals? How can it possibly be a coincidence, when these traits are rare in the wild and don't exist in the wild counterparts of these species? And what happens if we domesticate a new animal? Will they get these traits too?
Get the real answers on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HtflGMeobqYyy23kE4qA_IZ9qB-otnYPk8gRm2rIFFA/edit?usp=sharing
Torquigener albomaculosus. This amazing species makes incredible underwater art, out of sand! It was a mystery for a long time, nobody knew who was making these weird pop-up underwater crop-circle things, and then we finally discovered that a tiny pufferfish is behind them. But this has lead to more mysteries: How to they do it? And why? Dive into the waters off the coast of Japan on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CSF8j9v_ETlAgpG6xcpj1A0zv1SEdqbkWAaSEcU4j9Q/edit?usp=sharing
Are vampire bats nicer than people? Do they really suck blood? Which came first, the vampire or the bat? Will their saliva save you from a heart attack?
Learn an absurd amount of facts about vampire bats so you have a conversation piece on Halloween.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NsVN6No5JXPPskovVe51EYut8Q8cmfxuWqrM8Sh0kK0/edit?usp=sharing
Dorymyrmex bicolor. This species of ant picks up rocks, and drops them on their enemies. Is it war? Define war. Is it tool use? Yes... And what does that say about tool use? What can ants teach us about ourselves?
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q2kwz6bnI7FqNP1b16qEG1ul_ocKEkrMg8nKm9uqlYI/edit?usp=sharing
This vulture eats bones. Seriously. 85% bone diet. They also dye themselves red. Oh, and they maybe killed a Greek playwright by throwing a turtle at him. Not joking.
Listen and find out everything about the legendary bearded vulture on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oT_724nN-ElBZaqhDniHtAt0tWmcB6CBNGN5JMnpNIU/edit?usp=sharing
Neither mud nor puppy, this strange salamander is just a big baby. Like you. Seriously, you look like an infant. Listen to find out why! Also, find out all about paedomorphism and neoteny. Enjoy learning about the fascinating life and life cycle of the common mudpuppy on this episode of species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_eOJ7Kw9TncrmZc3DKI3Hd5HCXRbJLTLO_O8xAe2ZNg/edit?usp=sharing
See photos of the mudpuppy, a video of a mudpuppy eating a goldfish, and see a comparison photo between us and chimps, go to speciespodcast.com/animals/mudpuppy.
Learn about the animal Arnold Schwarzenegger wants you to protect! The furriest creature on the face of the planet, one of the cutest, and possibly one of the most brutal, the sea otter.
Find out all the fun facts and not-so-fun history of this furry friend on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i0kze7gmk59KfcZv-VnLBqVxKdb6bBxIb6y8V6OaUUY/edit?usp=sharing
This praying mantis hunts hummingbirds. Seriously. Find out why female mantises eat male mantises, discover the world of praying mantis kung fu, and ruin your day by learning all about the horrifying lifestyle of the Chinese mantis on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YuSSR9_AmL7wyLBvx0ZhuufN-3W5YLMcNAT4vlstDyk/edit?usp=sharing
Do mourning doves mate for life? Why are they so common? What do hunters and wildlife rehabbers have in common? Who's Dora, who's Zenaide, and what does Napoleon Bonaparte have to do with any of this?
Find out all the facts you want about mourning doves on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lRY5Q2eUdrAriuKnC38f7RAwDOxTlnrWDoIgMSA_yTA/edit?usp=sharing
How many people can 1 gram of poison from a golden poison frog kill? Are they really used in darts, or is that just a myth? Is a poison dart frog a safer pet than my dog?
Find out on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o8AomHtyj10DhrKnjHedFdGUz8xSzKxOPeMahbstcug/edit?usp=sharing
Why don't Nepali shepherds roast meat? How do snow leopards survive in the cold? Can a snow leopard jump the length of a bowling alley?
Find out on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AmX34BXN9He1QntORh8GVMMuFWFwlp9w7aNY8b451og/edit?usp=sharing
Why don't snakes have legs? What is the difference between a snake and a legless lizard? Is Indiana Jones a fraud?
Find out on this strange, slithering Species special that is not about snakes.
Did we invent music, or discover it? Or were we born with it? Why would natural selection choose music? Did the Backstreet Boys accidentally spark a monumental scientific discovery? Why does this bird drum?
Find out all about a musical bird on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mYfv3YJ210S3JT0wmBkUpN1cE_ARBI_WF0XvE2f1jgw/edit?usp=sharing
What do Brutus, Judas, and the false cleanerfish have in common? Why do they have massive fangs? Are plankton plants or animals or what? What is a client fish?
Listen to some hilarious George Bush quotes, and find out the answers to the above questions on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y_4RztDmUyc7Z26FacKjqp8qLYkYED57gfzA4Up7CzQ/edit?usp=sharing
Why do some people call this animal the demon primate? And why does everyone call them the aye-aye? Does this creature have magical powers? What's with their bizarre middle finger? Is this creature the real-world grim reaper?
Listen and learn!
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PIw_Wd_mREDfvdWkK6piyrDc2_VLTFyBI_IwhF-oiU8/edit?usp=sharing
What's it like to get eaten alive? Hear the harrowing personal story of a real crocodile attack, and learn all about the largest reptile on earth on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14von7IbuRioG_iiq-6kdq-JhAVMZRr_KMYo1vRybCuY/edit?usp=sharing
Nominate Species for the Podcast Awards under "education," this is your last chance! https://www.podcastawards.com/app/signup
How do hummingbirds fly, and is bee flight physically impossible? Can they fly upside-down? Why do pollinators matter? What about communism?
Find out all about the smallest bird in the world on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p8ypytZ2tIyIKYzHNK8h2UVKZZyrtZtCLTv9bVu9g20/edit?usp=sharing
This animal performs one of the most amazing displays of trickery in nature. Learn about a rock n' roll toad and get hit with an avalanche of bad comedy on this fun episode of Species.
Nominate Species in the "Education" category for a podcast award! Please! https://www.podcastawards.com/app/signup
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SOhhkc8Kp9zX7Bv7kmSE79Wq0PaKtzsXgZ9hkvx95Ig/edit?usp=sharing
Did giraffes patrol Rome on leashes? Who was right, Lamarck or Darwin? Why do giraffes have long necks, if not to reach high places? Do giraffes mourn the dead?
Find out on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QOzwo1SsGY4vNt2yMKQMYbdXwSxLZf2LOVOpVbwGJac/edit?usp=sharing
Nominate Species for a Podcast Award: https://www.podcastawards.com/app/signup
Save giraffes: https://giraffeconservation.org/donate/
How does a jellyfish live forever? Why do we die? Why did death evolve? What do jellyfish, plastics, gunpowder, and penicillin all have in common? What would happen if we were able to become immortal? Is eternity on the horizon?
Find out the answers and potential answers to the above questions by joining us for an episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lcEZmff2p7Nwfc2v9ggUlcBoWannC6M5DQ2Y--9W2Ic/edit?usp=sharing
Come learn about the amazing skills and scandalous romances of the osprey.
Today we talk about Shakespeare, WW2, bad arcade games, and environmentalism. All through the lens of an awesome animal! None of it is off-topic. Seriously. Ospreys are relevant to all of those things.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gGHGo0WC3CHZVz1747tjx5yTXvzO2DGmAz2VXoo4GTs/edit?usp=sharing
If you love your dad, share this show with him!
Enter the wonderful world of males getting pregnant, and enjoy the strange science of an animal who shares traits with horses, chameleons, kangaroos, and us.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AIOq1NX97l63rW1EVL77pLPXKhnq8iwddxcADWGO23s/edit?usp=sharing
Today's episode is all about the incredible unicorn of the sea, and the mystery surrounding their famous tusk.
This show covers a wide range of related topics, including Leonardo da Vinci's interest in trapping unicorns and the etymology of the word "narwhal." This episode covers all the bizarre explanations for how the narwhal's terrible tooth evolved, listen and tell us what you think!
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j5EV672tgsvGDxU21c43zTMtY-rQ8hfAastD5O2aF1w/edit?usp=sharing
How do chameleons change color? How do chameleons grab prey with their tongue? Why do black shirts get hot in the sun? Was the movie "Mad Max" a heavy metal music video, or an act of war against Mother Earth?
Find out on this short but spectacular episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11PPRq1kXFEFeyAKBLKyfabpGEpLbObFeQSXLtqEcZMo/edit?usp=sharing
"The Monkey-Eating Eagle."
Back in the day, massive eagles would hunt our ancestors. Today, this eagle eats monkeys. Learn a bit about the our history of getting preyed upon by birds, and learn a whole lot about a modern day marvel: Arguably the largest eagle on earth, certainly one of the rarest and most beautiful, the Philippine eagle.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15BjJcrwIVFTZ4rR-iFFgXimADrLCGao_Ak2YsCsTUJ4/edit?usp=sharing
Philippine Eagle Foundation: http://www.philippineeaglefoundation.org/donate
Today we are going to talk about an animal who defies the stereotypes: A smart fish!
Are jocks smarter than nerds? Does my goldfish recognize me? Why do archerfish spit at scientists?
Today we are going to talk about the amazing sevenspot archerfish. Come listen!
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f8CIqlqUhR0ZE7ZKjhEWw75_B_o4iozCNax-H2ljL3g/edit?usp=sharing
In this episode Macken tells a true story about beavers parachuting into Idaho, then he tells another about house sparrows opening doors. To wrap things up, he reveals the origin of Pikachu's name.
It's a short, busy, entertaining show that packs in a whole bunch of fun. Come join us for a surprising treat on this bonus episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZqR-2jGqjGBhBAxUIEcYJadIXesurePLKfY6I0otvqM/edit?usp=sharing
This episode opens with a crime in Australia, and then takes us to South America to learn about the amazing pygmy marmoset. We answer some cool questions today:
What is the difference between a monkey and a primate? What defines a species? Do pygmy marmosets always have twins? What is a fingerling? Do pygmy marmosets fart when you touch their heads, and do they lick pee?
This episode also ends in Australia: Macken finally gets around to reading the Australian 5-star reviews.
Can these turtles breathe through their butts? Do they shop at Hot Topic? How did people sell these turtles as pets before they were even discovered as a species? Why do these turtles wear mohawks? Is the New York Times fake news?
Come find out about some punk-rock turtles on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qi1Nehny-XSRpj_y0hhLVaLs6gXVh8mAtyB10Lc7Kg4/edit?usp=sharing
Help save this wonderful animal: http://maryriverturtle.tiarolandcare.org.au
You see this animal every day, but do you know anything about them?
Today we will learn the different house sparrow calls and their meanings, reveal some wild places people have found this bird, and explain the history of their expansion from Israel to world domination.
Impress your friends by translating house sparrow chirps and chatters into English! Join us, come listen!
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lWH_oF8e_smvG8JCko1oWMgBBhGpgLU_jXgvRcF6VYw/edit?usp=sharing
Did President Woodrow Wilson declare war on sharks? How did an Australian golf course accidentally end up with a lake full of bull sharks? How do these animals survive in both freshwater and saltwater? What are my odds of getting attacked by a bull shark?
Come enjoy a couple of crazy stories, and learn all about this incredible animal on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jI4syGbFaYQ4CIX7IROaAAaP4gvwq6iMd0WBr45Hz-E/edit?usp=sharing
Why do we find some animals so adorable? What is the science behind cuteness? Do pikas have accents? If the American pika dies at room temperature, how the heck are they adapting to global warming?
Come learn all about the animal who is somehow simultaneously asocial and cooperative, the adorable American pika.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lXOq75u7BzmTd_NeQq2jK12QT0muYkCN_nkgX7PP9mY/edit?usp=sharing
The largest snake in Africa, a terrifying predator, an animal who swallows humans whole... The African rock python.
Does this animal have heat vision? Who would win in a fight, an African rock python or a hyena? What about a crocodile? How about a lion?
Find out on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VaYjbaX-qe7rADpu-cB2VkYwvoZkbufnWZ2fZFl8smI/edit?usp=sharing
The only flightless parrot, one of the only nocturnal parrots, the heaviest parrot we know and perhaps the longest-living bird on earth... the kakapo!
Come learn all about this wonderful animal, and get all your questions answered: What is a lek? Why does each kakapo have a "boom-sac"? Who is Sirocco?
Find out on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F4Gf3cvnOvFkzFaz3WhwdCNOYOVFMscUO99SHR6WVNE/edit?usp=sharing
Save the kakapo: http://kakaporecovery.org.nz
Who would win, a samurai, or a giant salamander? Is it true that they breathe through their skin? Can the Japanese giant salamander survive getting cut in half? Do they make good dads?
Come learn everything about this massive creature on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Az3Ys_jZfCdobqKGuU5pU_4chiiw0Ufg_j4B5Oc_2a4/edit?usp=sharing
Why are they called devils? Do they have the strongest bite on earth? Can they eat people? Will the Tasmanian devil save humanity?
Find out on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/111ZryMeUPFqKUF9rSnq_fvUCE35e_bb7wPzdLkPRPsQ/edit?usp=sharing
Snakes live almost everywhere, so why aren't there any snakes in Ireland? Legend has it that St. Patrick got rid of them!
Celebrate this St. Patrick's day with knowledge. Did this primate banish the snakes from Ireland? Find out on this bonus episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O8j3AgdyNs15uxqyfXRiYjV0tsF5TsSDqNq7HSewUHQ/edit?usp=sharing
Why do dung beetles build dung balls? Do dung beetles dance? How do polarized sunglasses work? Why did entomologists dress up dung beetles in cardboard hats and tiny mittens?
Learn all about the sacred scarab on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HpYHB54kDJ5yMm-ckecuX8Ei9BMQUSxnSPKfBYjvFc8/edit?usp=sharing
Who would win, a great blue heron or a golden eagle? Have chimpanzees invented spears? Are great blue herons mute?
Learn the answers to all these questions and more! Learn everything about this fantastic bird on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17pbZ7hDSDIYLvgGNZFwK_b7avXCgaK0JxfvHmKdzd80/edit?usp=sharing
Why do sunfish sunbathe? Will a sunfish squash my child? Can I use a dead sunfish to pay my taxes? Is that a baby whale?
Come learn about the egg-laying champion on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z5YnjyOkKs_kpttWcgSJkHKWKvNW56E9GSZFIxdzoRo/edit?usp=sharing
Addendum: Some Japanese biologists believe that a new species of Mola should be acknowledged, named Mola alexandrini (bump-head sunfish). They have noticeable genetic and phenotypic differences from other Mola mola, with whom they are usually grouped. If Mola alexandrini is indeed a different species to Mola mola, then the bump-head sunfish (not the ocean sunfish) holds the title of largest sunfish specimen ever found.
Did silk hats save beavers from extinction? Which is longer, the Hoover Dam, or the biggest beaver dam ever? Are humans naturally monogamous?
Learn all about the North American beaver on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uufPXkcVlmViyoOMwEQYXw5swayShvOeRh-b_TLL01E/edit?usp=sharing
How do snakes slither? How do they climb trees? Heck, how do they "fly"?!
Become an expert on the paradise flying snake, and learn all about the physics of snake movement (on the ground, up trees, and through the air!) on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1knCP0V9El3I3CZuY1XmTuJgGAbbYtE9BOBtvpScvats/edit?usp=sharing
Why do we call them "cowbirds," and why are they nicknamed "mafia birds"? Does the mafia still exist? Are cowbirds running an extortion racket in my backyard?
Macken answers all on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YkTHau7VoFc5JrdXYl-kYuIwA1XlRATPBxL1djKyEKE/edit?usp=sharing
The Amazon molly is an entirely female species of fish. So how do they reproduce? Why haven't they gone extinct, like biologists once predicted? Is the Greek legend of the Amazons real?
Macken answers all on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10sffWxg1rSj8i2XygMUYUrwxEhtfFffJl6_pjEbYCDU/edit?usp=sharing
How come giant pandas don't eat meat like other bears? Why are they black and white? Do pandas have 6 fingers?
Macken answers all and more on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s23JwBXg2Zti-YoRTuCwhgjAAGjwSH6YgfHTCN8Ka74/edit?usp=sharing
Can coconut crabs swim? Is my cat safe from coconut crabs? What happened to Amelia Earhart?
Macken answers all and more on this episode of Species. He also spoils the ending of "King Kong," so watch out for that.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BrFIVGxUPKJ-TZmqVGohDgg1YRLkYRxrQhasCUaHnQw/edit?usp=sharing
Which animal is the pound for pound language champion? What is so special about bird brains? Can a budgie lead me to food?
Macken answers all and more on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o85CPVShpLtfCFho6IT-JLwtBsODrK4sI1pCTfMjQgI/edit?usp=sharing
Can a Greenland shark live for 500 years? Do Greenland sharks hunt for moose? Why did a Danish physicist need shark eyes?
Macken answers all and more on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zdBDlpxQuGJCG5q7Fbzq-gVIo64WkV304rHUGr6pkeM/edit?usp=sharing
Why do opossums get hit by cars? How did the opossum, a marsupial, end up in America? Did an opossum really meet the King and Queen of Spain?
Macken answers all and more on this episode of Species.
Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A1a3jRFD0b4AAsWpE1W2Bb-uwRq2f5IezAYm2Asjm0k/edit?usp=sharing
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