Many writers want to include more LGBTQ+ characters in their novels, but they’re afraid of getting it wrong and doing more harm than good. If you’re one of those writers, this podcast episode is for you! My friend and colleague, Sam Cameron, explains exactly how every writer can feel empowered to write more inclusive stories.
🌟Take Sam Cameron’s quiz and find out if your manuscript is LGBTQ+ inclusive🌟
In this episode you’ll learn:
🌟 Powerful Writers, Magical Novels Group Mentorship Program 🌟
Are you ready to finally write your novel in a growth oriented mentorship program where a certified book coach (that's me) will help you craft your novel from the character arc and plot all the way through building your author platform? A group where you'll get lots of 1:1 feedback?
Sign up for a mentorship chat now and let's find out if the program is right for you!
Who should sign up for a free chat?
Any writer who:
👉 Wants to write a powerful novel
👉 Believes in diversity and inclusion
👉 Wants support, encouragement, and accountability
👉 Knows that writing a great novel takes time and skill
👉 Wants to stop cobbling information together from all over the internet and instead get everything they need in one place
👉 Wants to find the right mentor to guide their journey
👉 Wants to get down to business writing their novel now