If you’ve listened to Spellburn for a while, you know I love Third Party material– it’s what DCC is all about, the ferment, the foment, the vomit, the violence, all of it! I love to see all the new stuff that people are cooking up all the time! So that’s what we’re doing this month, with our pal Judge James Pozenel, Judge Stephen Surratt and Judge Phil Padovani! All this and more on this month’s Spellburn!
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Links to James stuff from this episode!
Enchiridion of the Computarchs (MCC)
Links to Stephan Surratt stuff from this episode!
Brimstone Cradle and The Hills that Hunger – for Weird Frontiers!
Mutants of the Multiverse (for MCC!)
Efland: Beyond the Fields We Know!
Links to Judge Phil’s stuff from this episode!
Judge Phil’s Zine of Goodies Vol 1!
Judge Phil’s Zine of Goodies Vol 2!
Judge Phil’s Zine of Goodies Vol 3!