We let our blessings get mouldy, and then call them curses.” What’s in a curse? At most gaming tables, they’re uttered by players when critical failures pop up. But curses in DCC are an under-utilized mechanic! They’re not just for the Shudfolk! If you’re looking to switch up your NPC casters to make them unpredictable, offer a touch of magic to players without overpowering the party, or spice up your treasure hauls, curses are the way to go.
Stuff referenced in this episode!
GENCON 2016 Program Guide (including Not in Kansas Any More funnel adventure)
The Chained Coffin (Shudder Mountains adventure and setting)
Sanctum Secorum #29 free zine (with curses!)
50 Fantastic Functions for the D50
Jose Luis T. Cardoso — Fey Curses
(More Curses) – Knights in the North (Ari-Matti & co.-written by Giles)