This episode is an effort to make this podcast versatile and surprising. So, hear - straight out of Hollywood - the World famous film director Roger Donaldson and his amazing stories from two of his films; the spy-thriller 'No Way Out' and the historical political thriller 'Thirteen Days' - which Fidel Castro liked so much that he invited the whole crew to Cuba and started a conference. Films starring Kevin Costner, Gene Hackman, Sean Young among others. Guest: Roger Donaldson A podcast by: Mikael Hylin Music: Anton Fossum-Hylin Story editor: Lærke Rasmussen Cover: 'Thirteen Days' - CineText/Allstar. Friskrivningsklausul: De berättelser, fakta, åsikter och synpunkter som presenteras i denna podcast är uteslutande de som tillhör presentatören eller intervjuobjektet och speglar inte Spionpoddens officiella policy eller ståndpunkt. Spionpodden är en oberoende, ideell podcast utan kopplingar till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga eller privata särintressen. Den är varken kontrollerad eller ägd av någon tredje part.
Disclaimer: The stories, facts, views, and opinions presented in this podcast are solely those of the presenter or interviewee and do not reflect the official policy or position of Spionpodden. Spionpodden is an independent, non-profit podcast with no affiliations to political, religious, economic, public, or private special interests. It is neither controlled nor owned by any third party.