The Swedish Security Police suspected that Swedish Ambassador Rolf Sohlman’s longtime backchannel to the Soviet leadership was one of the KGB’s most ruthless foreign agent recruiters.
The long serving Swedish Ambassador to Moscow Rolf SOHLMAN was feared to have a close association with Colonel Panteleymon Ivanovich TAKHCHIANOV (codename “Hasan”), one of the KGB’s most notorious and experienced counterintelligence officers. Reports about their exchange, including in the Raoul Wallenberg case, must continue to exist in Russian archives.
Guest: Susanne Berger, author, researcher and founder of the Raoul Wallenberg Research Initiative (RWI-70). Recorded - November 15, 2024
En podd av: Mikael Hylin
Musik: Anton Fossum-Hylin
Cover: Rolf Sohlman Swedish Ambassador to Moscow 1947-1964 (left). Source- Wikipedia Commons & MGB Col. Panteleymon I. Takhchianov. Source- The Memorial Society, Moscow
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