Aaron is a rising philosopher and spiritual teacher who left his foundation as a christian worship leader to search for truth after he experienced his own spiritual awakening. The signed Fitness model turned spiritual philosopher is making waves in the YouTube community with topics like astral projection, saving faith from fundamentalism, course of miracles and the law of one just to name a few. In just under a year, his short time on youtube is changing the game—some videos already reaching over a million views, he breaks down complex spiritual concepts and makes them accessible for the masses. Aaron’s passion is to share the path of inner freedom and self realization with the world, and he does so today via YouTube, Social Media, Meditation classes, workshops and seminars. In teaching Self-Empowerment, Aaron’s main areas of focus are understanding the Ego, Self Love, Mastering your mind, Forgiveness and inner Peace. Aaron believes that Unity Consciousness and freedom from the Ego is the next evolutionary leap for mankind and is available for anyone who truly desires it and today we discuss the masculine and feminine energies like you’ve never heard before. Please welcome Aaron to the show.
Find Aaron HERE and his Youtube HERE
Find me HERE and hang out with me HERE and HERE
#aaronabke #spiritualshit #lawofone #masculine #feminine #spirituality #awakening