Our next guest Joe Vega is a the owner/trainer at Throwndown NYC, a prominent boxing gym in Manhattan and has practiced physical therapy and fitness training for 15 years. He had his spiritual awakening 4 years ago in his first ayahuasca retreat and since then has been on a beautiful journey exploring how sacred ceremony, with Ayahuasca or psilocybin (or commonly known as magic mushrooms) has opened the neuropathways into changing the neuroplasticty of his own brain, giving him new beliefs, abilities, and peace about his existential crisis.
Joe has learned to utilize the amazing benefits of plant medicine to further develop his personal life and his practice to include energetic healing of traumas associated with acute and chronic injuries.He’s also seen the benefits it offers in making peace with deep emotional and often subconscious trauma, even healing deep addiction. Joe understands there is no healing the body unless the entire whole mind/body/spirit is honored through the healing process. Today we will explore the benefits, experiences, and answer some questions about unlocking powers of plant based medicine.
Find Joe at throwdownnyc.com or @throwndownnyc / @vega_tdnyc
As always thanks for listening!