Emily Gough is a human connection coach, author of the book You Grow Me, speaker, and host/founder of the respected Top 200 Room to Grow™ Podcast. Fuelled by an insatiable curiosity for the nuance and complexities of relationships and the human experience, she takes a holistic mind/body approach using the psychology and physiology of emotions to give you the guidance, real-life tools, and perspective you need to take ownership of your life, revolutionize your relationship to yourself, and create thriving connections with others.
An old soul, Emily’s style of both teaching and coaching combines powerful insights and wisdom with a playful attitude and sense of humor. With features in well-known publications like Forbes and interviews on dozens of podcasts, Emily is sought after for her compassionate, direct, and genuine approach.
Connect with Emily at emilygoughcoaching.com or on IG @emilygoughcoach.
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