Sara is a dynamic soul who has lived a few lifetimes in one. After surviving living in the depths of a Brooklyn ghetto and then transforming her life to what most would consider successful in Corporate America, Sara found something was missing in her life and begin a soul journey inward that led her to search for not only a profession, but a life that fed her soul.
Sara synchronistically found breath work , a medium that she found groundbreaking in releasing trauma, treating addiction and deepening the inward journey with herself that she now facilities for others.
In addition to that Sara returned to her roots in photography that she had abandoned prior for financial security, in opening a type of non-traditional photography business that is not only fun, but begs you to look deeper at your energy by capturing ones aura.
After a soul searching world tour she has found home in Bali spear heading her healing gifts and photography to this thriving spiritual community and she’s about to drop some mad stories on y’all. Please welcome Sara to the show.
You can find Sara at or @sarasilverstein