Rachel Reimer is a Medical Intuitive that helps people understand why they aren’t feeling well and what steps they can take to start on their journey towards better health. She achieves this through being given someone’s name and a recent picture to gain her psychic insights. Being able to see entities and feel someone’s Dis-ease from an early age, Rachel created Rae of Hope LLC with the intention to lovingly providing a Rae of Hope on one's health journey. She works with clinical medical practitioners as another resource to help their patients discover what is ailing them.
It is important to her that people that have been given up on still have options if they wish to improve their lives because believes that the body has the ability to heal itself at the physical, emotional and spiritual level. That our physical symptoms are merely physical manifestations of how we feel on the inside and to change physical symptoms, one must address their thoughts and beliefs. Once this starts to occur, the body starts to function better and the individual has a deeper sense of who they are. Please welcome Rachel to the show.
ReachRachel here https://www.myraeofhope.com/ and on ig https://www.instagram.com/m.i.raeofhope/
#medicalmedium #medicalintuitive #spiritalshit #spiritual #healingthebody #healingthemind #disease