Origins Series, pt. 2: Theistic Evolution
Evolution and Christianity have never been the best bedfellows. Just hearing the two terms together often evokes images of conflict and fierce rivalry. Both, it seems, cannot occupy the same territory. But does that need to be the case? While many have claimed the two can coexist, our guest today has an even more bold proposal:
Evolution may be Christianity's best friend. Dr. Zachary Ardern is here to show us just how he is able to pair both his faith and the science in a way that is not only compatible but complementary, and, as a trained Cambridge biologist, there are few more qualified to actually know the state of science today. According to Dr. Ardern, there is emerging evidence to show that the process of evolution itself has been finely crafted for the emergence of organisms like us. If this is true, then evolution may prove to be just as good of evidence for God as creationists and intelligent design advocates claim for their case.
Be sure not to miss today's mindblowing episode as we delve into the question of Darwinism and design!
Also be sure to check out our Patreon. We've just uploaded an unaired episode on abortion and the Supreme Court for your eyes only!