Origins Series, pt. 1: Young Earth Creationism
How old is the earth? Did God use evolution? How should we interpret the first few chapters of Genesis?
These are the questions that never seem to die... except, we are told, if you're a scientist. In fact, the story we often hear is that no self-respecting scientist would ever affirm young earth creationism. As it turns out, that's not the case, and our guest today, Dr. Marcus Ross, is living proof of that. A credentialed paleontologist, he is among a number of scientists who take the claims of a young earth seriously.
In the first part of our Origin Series, we ask Dr. Ross to explain just how he is able to hold together the claims of Genesis 1-2 and his scientific mind. We tackle everything from Noah's flood, radioactive dating, dinosaur blood cells, the growth of the young earth movement, and the current drama over Ken Ham's treatment of other young earth creationists. Be on the lookout in the coming weeks as we dive into other perspectives, including old earth views, theistic evolution, and intelligent design.
And for our PATREON subscribers, be sure to check out Jonathan and I's exclusive extended discussion!