This week Justin sits down with Joe Augustyn. Joe was a member of the Central Intelligence Agency's clandestine service for 28 years, working as a case officer in several locations and later as Chief of Station on three different occasions. After the September 11th attacks, he was appointed the deputy associate director of CIA for Homeland Security until the standup of the brand new Department of Homeland Security in November, 2002. He's also been credited as being one of the original architects of what is now called the National Counterterrorism Center. Joe even served as Chief of Staff for the Deputy Director for Operations, where he monitored and helped manage the CIA's covert action programs. Today, he dives into one of his assignments as Director of the CIA's Defector Resettlement Center, responsible for the resettlement of high level defectors granted entry into the United States. In particular, they discuss Aleksandr Zaporozhsky, the KGB agent who notoriously gave up Alrich Ames.
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