In a Zoom meeting of the ‘Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK’ on 28th January 2023 Michael James first discussed the meanings and deep implications of verse 20 of Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai, and that first portion of this meeting has been posted here as a separate episode: Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai verse 20.
After discussing this, Michael answered questions on this and other aspects of Bhagavan’s teachings, particularly the practice of self-investigation and self-surrender, so this second portion of the meeting is posted here as this video.
This episode can also be watched as a video, 2023-01-28b Ramana Foundation UK: Michael answers questions on Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai 20, and a more compressed audio copy in Opus format (which can be listened to in the VLC media player and some other apps) can be downloaded from here.