In a Zoom meeting with the San Diego Ramana Satsang ([email protected]) on 5th April 2022 Michael answers questions on the practice of self-investigation, sat-cit-ananda and love, prayer and non-duality, and various other topics related to the practice of Bhagavan’s teachings, including his instruction to Akhilandamma: ‘உன்னை விடாமல் இரு’ (uṉṉai viḍāmal iru), ‘Be without leaving yourself’.
During this meeting Michael discusses the meaning and implications of various passages from Bhagavan’s writings, including Nāṉ Ār? and Śrī Aruṇācala Akṣaramaṇamālai.
This episode can also be watched as a video, 2022-04-03 San Diego Ramana Satsang: Michael answers questions on the practice of self-investigation, and a more compressed audio copy in Opus format (which can be listened to in the VLC media player and some other apps) can be downloaded from here.