Note: This episode and others from this time frame reflect an early stage in my spiritual journey. While I may or may not not hold these views any longer, I am still keeping these episodes up.
Why? Because this is also a historical and folklore podcast, and the folk practices or beliefs discussed are still accurate from an educational and cultural standpoint.
However, if you are interested in my more current views and growth, check out the “Reflection” series I recorded in January of 2023.
This is our monthly listener Q&A with a special bonus exorcism!
We also talk about what's ahead for January and what saints and topics will be covered. The Q&A was great and ranges from demons and necromancy, to church history and saint magic basics.
Hope you enjoy!
Here are the questions we cover:
- Who are some saints associated with fiber arts (sewing, knitting, etc..)
- Are there any saints who do not like working together? Are there any saints who do not like sharing a space?
- Where do you source your saint statues, are they necessary for veneration?
- How do you know when its time to stop working with a saint or time to change them up?
- Any upcoming videos on saints only found in orthodoxy?
- What are some unique wards/blessings for new home and new altar?
- Do you feel like we’ve been taught wrong about demons? Like they’re not really villains?
- What’s up with Brigid? Saint? Goddess? Both?
- How did you get into catholicism again after practicing hinduism?
- Tips on using the saints for necromancy?
- Do you feel the reputation Cyprian has about being scary is widely overblown?
- What is the history of saint veneration?
- What’s a psalm for grounding when energy or cleansing is feeling depleted?
- What is meant by Mercy in certain prayers?