Note: This episode and others from this time frame reflect an early stage in my spiritual journey. While I may or may not not hold these views any longer, I am still keeping these episodes up.
Why? Because this is also a historical and folklore podcast, and the folk practices or beliefs discussed are still accurate from an educational and cultural standpoint.
However, if you are interested in my more current views and growth, check out the “Reflection” series I recorded in January of 2023.
Money, abundance, success - we all want it, we all crave it - whether it's a little bit of luck or a boon for a year of stability, folk magic is full of prosperity work.
This episode covers:
I hope you enjoy and use some of these to ensure a very abundant and prosperous new year!
Also, be sure to support the podcast on Patreon and get access to detailed show notes, bonus content and even monthly gifts!