1) Welcome – The Very Reverend Dr David Ison, Dean
2) Hymn – Hail the day that sees him rise – Choir of the Nation, George Inscoe (Organist), Matt Chinery (Producer).
3) The Preces – Plainsong
4) Psalm 8 – Chants: Henry Lawes (1598-1662) & Joseph Corfe (1740-1820)
St Paul’s Cathedral Choir / Andrew Lucas (organ) / John Scott (director)
from Psalms from St Paul’s (Hyperion Records CDP 11001)
5) Old Testament Lesson – Song of the Three 29-37
6) Magnificat – Magnificat and Nunc dimittis Collegium Regale Charles Wood (1866-1926)
St Paul’s Cathedral Choir / Simon Johnson (organ) / Andrew Carwood (director)
From Canticles (Hyperion Records CDA 68058)
7) New Testament Lesson – Revelation Ch 5
8) Nunc Dimittis – Magnificat and Nunc dimittis Collegium Regale Charles Wood (1866-1926)
St Paul’s Cathedral Choir / Simon Johnson (organ) / Andrew Carwood (director)
From Canticles (Hyperion Records CDA 68058)
9) The Apostles Creed
10) The Responses – Plainsong
11) The Collects
12) Anthem – Viri Galilaei Patrick Gowers (1936-2014)
St Paul’s Cathedral Choir / Andrew Lucas (organ) / John Scott (director)
From English Anthems volume 2 (Hyperion Records CDA66519)
13) Reflection – The Reverend Canon James Milne, Precentor
14) The Prayers
15) Hymn – Alleluia, sing to Jesus – Choir of the Nation, George Inscoe (Organist), Matt Chinery (Producer)
St Paul’s Cathedral are grateful for the permission of Hyperion Records to use these tracks.
More information from www.hyperion-records.co.uk