Many people are deeply concerned about global capitalism and rampant consumerism, but many of us also lack the tools to be able to engage confidently in the debate about its future. Eve Poole is a theologian who has worked in the financial services industry, and she argues that the Church has crucial things to say about the economy and a vital role to play in redeeming the marketplace both at home and abroad.
She will offer new ways to think theologically about consumerism and suggest how we might, as individuals and church communities, change the way we use money for good.
Dr Eve Poole is the Church Estates Commissioner, chairing the Pastoral, Bishoprics, and Cathedrals Committees. Previously she has taught leadership, emotional intelligence and ethics at Ashridge Business School and worked for Deloitte Consulting in the financial services industry. Her books include Capitalism’s Toxic Assumptions and Leadersmithing (both Bloomsbury) and Buying God: Church, Consumerism and Theology (SCM Press 2018).
Recorded 2 September 2018.