'Forgiveness is the most imaginative way of becoming free and offering freedom'. Marian Partington
Forgiveness is news. When someone forgives terrible harm done to them, from the victims of terrorism to the violently bereaved, the story is always news and often the person is treated as a moral hero. But does it take a special person to forgive and forget, or can we all learn to do it?
And why is forgiveness central to Jesus’ teaching? He talks about it almost more than anything else, even from the Cross. Why must we love our enemies and always forgive those who wrong us? What about justice? And could the most difficult thing of all be to seek and accept forgiveness, human or divine, when we need it for ourselves?
Lucy Winkett, priest and theologian, and Marian Partington, whose sister was killed by Fred and Rose West, will explore the reality of the darkness in others and ourselves, and the radical path of forgiveness.
Chaired by Canon Mark Oakley. Filmed 21 November 2017.