Session 2 - 8 December 2018. (Following sessions are 15 & 22 December).
Handout referred to is the session can be found at
Advent is traditionally the season when we reflect on humanity’s relationship with God through the lives of the Old and New Testament Fathers and Mothers of the faith.
It is also a season which calls us to slow down and contemplate the things of eternity. One of the ways we can slow down our busy lives and minds is by taking the time to listen attentively to music.
This Advent we will explore in music and words the human lives which tell the story of salvation from its very beginning in the Garden of Eden to Mary’s song of joy as she receives the world-changing news of the coming of the Messiah. Through the Biblical accounts and the music which has been inspired by them, we will focus on Adam and Eve, Abraham and Isaac, the great Prophets including Isaiah, Ezekiel and John the Baptist, and Mary the Mother of God.
The four week course includes music from the Renaissance to the 21st century, by composers including Bach, Haydn, Elgar, Arvo Pärt and Benjamin Britten.
Andrew Carwood is the Director of Music at St Paul’s Cathedral, the Founder-Conductor of The Cardinall’s Musick, an internationally-regarded singer and winner of the 2010 Gramaphone Awards Recording of the Year for his recording of William Byrd’s music.