After investigating the crash site, Aran and Onvy encounter Jacen, who also crashed landed and has a thirst for revenge like never before. Meanwhile the others have been captured by Geonosians, and a dark power begins to rise from the shadows...
The first part of the Tales of Revan season finale has arrived! We're so glad to be back, and are looking forward to concluding Season 1 very soon!
Revan: Josh Medlock
Dral Charrus: Poppletron
Keelah: Beastbomb
Mal: daydonic
Onvy: IrisDragon
Celek Vaas: Arkham
Mandalore: Kisuke
Cassus Fett: Brendan
Emperor Vitiate: Otto von Doom
Lord Qalar: LearTrainPlay
Mandalorian Scout: silverknight444
Jacen: Cajo_C
Azark: DarthValeria
Jenkins: ItalianStallion330
Dobbs: David Ortiz
Scout #1: Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen
Scout #2: @Martin - Extra Specialist
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