In today's episode, we finish up the end of chapter 1, where Tietra meets with a tragedy that changes Delita forever. Then we move full steam into chapter 2, where the Church of Glabados enters center stage. We're covering all of chapter 2 so strap in. There's a lot to discuss!
Time Codes:
1. Intro (0:00)
2. Finishing Chapter 1 (1:59)
3. Chapter 2/Orbonne Monastery and Dorter (41:59)
4. Zeirchele Falls (49:49)
5. The Castled City of Zaland (1:14:51))
6. Balias Tor and Accompanying Cutscenes (1:25:45)
7. Lionel Castle and Goug Machine City (1:46:44)
8. Port City of Warjilis, Golgollada Gallows (2:03:14)
9. Delita and Ovelia at Lionel Castle (2:15:40)
10. Weigraf At the Lenalian Plateau (2:24:50)
11. Lionel Castle, End of Chapter 2 (2:26:04)