Recorded 12th September
Benjamin J Butler is a very unique global futurist, having spent his entire career harnessing his imagination to see the unseen. He spent a career on Wall St and global finance and was a highly prescient forecaster of the future, having forecast various asset price moves from the Dotcom crash, the 2002-2008 boom in Asia, the emergence of China, the oil price boom, the GFC crash in 2009, and the crypto boom thereafter. Aside from investing as a hedge fund manager, he has made venture investments, including being an early investor in Tik Tok. As a futurist he is acclaimed to have forewarned about the breakdown of the West including the UK’s exit from the EU, the election of Donald Trump and the events surrounding the 2020 election. He was advisor to the CIO of Blue Sky Asia, one of the most successful hedge funds in the world, and wrote the International Column of Dow Theory Letters.
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