#89 Craig Drake
(recorded 9th February)
Craig Drake is a co-founder and director of Labarde Management, a
deliverable foreign exchange broker. While as a business offering FX
liquidity to global clients, Labarde Management is on the face of it a
very different one to Price Value Partners, it is a business rooted in a
similar ideology. There is no lack of other operators in our respective
market places, but Craig and his co-founder wanted to offer something to
clients rooted in a deep interest in the mechanics and the philosophy of
the mechanics of financial markets. The result of this is something that
he would like to talk about today – how do you approach markets so
heavily influenced by a philosophy to which you do not subscribe?
State of the Markets Podcast
Paul Rodriguez of https://ThinkTrading.com
Tim Price of https://Pricevaluepartners.com
Craig's media Pick
The Irishman
Tim's Media Pick:
Paul's Media pick
Podcast links:
All podcasts available on youtube: